Run - Chapter Three

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Well rooming with Liam isnt gonna be so bad, after all he is my best friend. Its just that he kissed me out of no where. That was like his first day there. You can't just go and kiss a girl like that on your first day at a new school. I dont know why im mad. I do have a crush on the dude. It just feels so wierd.

Nialls' POV

Great i'm not roomed with Jena or Liam. Room 24c. I opened the door. I saw my roommate already chose his bed and put his stuff up. But where is he? or she?

"Oh. Hey Fuck face. I see I have a little Bitch for a roommate."

I'm screwed. Out of all of the people in the 10th grade, it has to be him. Stupid Harry Styles. Why do you hate me god?

"Why do I have to be roomed with you." I said.

"I guess I attract people like you." Harry said.

"Look i didn't do anything to you. so please just shut the hell up and leave me alone. Im tired of your shit. You are so stupid. The only reason you bully people is because you probably get punk'd at home by your parents you freakin dipshit. "

I guess that hit him down deep because he didn't say a word afterwards.

I unpacked my stuff and Harry was sitting on the chair. He just kept his head down staring at the ground. I kinda feel bad. Just a little. But he didn't have the right to say that to me though.

I pulled up a chair and sat next to him. He still was looking at the floor.

"Dude i didnt mean to say that to you . I'm sorta sorry." I said.

He sat up and didn't say anything for a sec.

"Look. Its okay. You brought up my parents."

"Oh. You don't like your parents?"

"No. I do. They just.."

He started crying and i just couldn't do anything. He had his head on his lap. His hands was rubbing his hair. I patted his back. Man no one has ever seen him like this. I really feel bad for him. Did his parents die? I never seen him come out like this. Maybe he has a soft side.

Maybe hes just kidding. I don't know what to think he could be pranking me right now.

"My parents died. I couldn't do anything. I was too young. Someone broke in and killed them when I was 3 years old. I was put in a foster home afterwards. I've been bullied at that foster home. So i take all my anger out on the people at school."

Wow I dont think hes playing. Who would go and make up a story like that.

Jenas POV.

I wonder how Nialls doing , Whos his roommate? I hope its his crush Demi, but I doubt it. Liam walked in the bathroom. I sat on the bed. When will we talk about the kiss. I turned on the T.V.

Liam walked out of the bathroom with a towel wrapped around his waist. His hands were shaking out the water from his hair.


Liam looked so damn hot it as just too hard to look away.

"What?" Liam took me out of my trance.

"Oh. I..Umm..'

"I forgot my clothes" Liam said. He went into his dresser and got his clothes. He walked back into the bathroom and closed the door.

I got up and looked at the schedule. the first thing we had to do was go to the Cafeteria for breakfast. After that the theatre. It was 8am and we had to be there at 9am. I was already dressed and all i had to do was brush my hair.

Liam got out the bathroom and he was wearing. Some black skinny jeans, A white shirt and some vans. He looked amazing.

"Hey, how many more minutes until we have to leave for breakfast?" Liam asked as he brushed his hair.

" 45 minutes"

He walked over to his bed and sat down.

"Can we talk?" Liam asked.

"About what?"

"You Know."

I knew he was talking about the kiss.

"About yesterday?" I got up and sat down next to him.

"Yeah. I didnt mean to kiss you."

Sure he didnt.



"Then why did you kiss me?"

"I dont know."

I looked over at the clock and it said 8:45. We only had 15 minutes to get to the cafeteria and I dont even know where it is. I got up and started brushing my hair. Liam got up and stretched. Then we headed out the door.

We saw Niall and Harry walking together. Ha' That must be his roommate. But Niall doesn't even look mad. Harrys not even being a douche.

we follow them because it looked like they knew where they were going. Liam and I didn't talk at all throughout the walk to the cafeteria.

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