Run - Chapter Thirteen

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A/n Thank you so much for the 20 votes! when I posted the last chapter, I got 8 votes and 3 comments! :)) I was so happy! I decided I will continue this book. Even if the updates will be really slow. You guys are the best. You know who you are :) Not related to anything but I am hungry. I am writing this chapter on a empty stomach. So this chapter may be about food. Maybe. Enjoy xx

Jena's POV

I am so happy the principal grabbed the drunk payne away from me yesterday. I don't know what he was about to tell me about Luke and I really don't care. Today is Tuesday and I really hope Liam got suspended. At first I didn't have a problem with him here, It was just strange how when I moved out here, he moved out here.

Again I had a dream with Niall in it but it was better than yesterdays. He wasn't hanging me over the edge of a roof by my leg. It was actually really decent. You know those types of dreams where you have someone you know but don't like that much in the dream and you go on a date or something and you start liking them for no apparent reason when you wake up from that dream, Well if you have had one like that, that was the type of dream that I had.

Niall took me to my favorite place in the world, Chuck E. Cheese. Yeah it may seem childish but I feel like a fucking Goddess when I win all those tickets. Just looking at all those little kids looking up to you like you're some type of hero with their big adorable eyes just makes me feel warm inside. Then afterward he took me to my favorite smoothie place, Jamba Juice. I was just swooned by Niall.

I got woken up by Charlie banging on my door. my heart was beating fast and It felt like I lost someone really close to my heart. And I did. I left Niall back in California without saying good bye. Without doing anything to show that I really care about him and that I will miss him when I am gone. He is probably thinking that I don't give a shit about him.

After I get ready for school and eat breakfast I go up to my room and call Niall before he goes to school.

"Hello" I hear an Irish voice on the other side of the phone. My heart starts beating fast and I am pretty sure he can hear it on the other side. "Hello." He says again. "Jena?"

"Niall we need to talk." My voice cracks when I say 'talk' and I hear a chuckle. "Yeah what about?" Niall says. I go to my bed to sit down.

"I forgot to say goodbye." I tell him. He sighs. "It takes you this long to call me and say good bye?" I knew it. He hated me. i can hear it in his voice.

"I-I know." My heart is probably out of my chest right now. I feel so stupid. Why did I even call him anyway?

"Jena. I have to go. Bye." Before I could say anything else he was gone. I hung up my phone. I feel like throwing up. Calling him was such a stupid Idea. I still feel weird feelings about him still. I just want it to go away. It probably will when I go to school.

Carly opens the door. "Hey! We're about to leave come on." I grab my backpack and head out the door.

Anne tells us our goodbyes as we exit the car. "Goodbye guys" She yells and again just like yesterday she causing people to stop and stare.

Charlie and I meet up with Luke. "Hey." Luke says to us like he was out of breath.

"Why are you out of breath?" Charlie ask. I was just about to ask that question.

"Well..Liam...Was chasing me." He says leaning over to get some more air. Why would Liam be chasing him Liam barely knows him?

"Why?" I ask him. He gets an expression on his face like I was suppose to know why Liam was chasing him.

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