Run - Chapter Twelve

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Chapter 12

A/n Thanks for the comments.

Enjoy xx

What are the freaking odds of this? How the hell..why the hell is he even here? I walk over to Charlie and give her a hug.

"Aye, what's wrong?" Charlie asked.

"You look pissed." Luke says.

I sat down at the lunch table ignoring what they said. I turn my head and watch Liam walk to the lunch line. For a second I almost gave a fuck that he was standing there all alone.

"Who are you looking at?" Charlie says. She spots who I look at. "Oh have the hots for the new kid. What's his name again? Lester..Leif..Lee?"

I shake me my head and laugh at the names she just said. "No. Its not...its -"

Before I could say his name Luke interrupts me "Liam." He rolls his eyes.

"You know him?" I ask.

"Yeah. He's in our homeroom remember."

I look at Luke and He looks down at his lunch.


"Hey Lucas." I her a familiar voice.

"Bye." Luke leaves the table. I see him walk over to another table. He high fives some guy.

"Hows it going Jena? We missed you at camp." He laughs. "Oh who is this wonderful lady you are her with."

Charlie smiles as Liam takes her hand and kisses it. "Do you know him ?" She asks. Her eyes are still pinned on Liam.

I stand up and grab Liam by the ear. "Come here." We walk out of the cafeteria.

"Dude why the hell are you here?"

"I thought you missed me." He smirks. "What you didn't?" You can hear the sarcasm in his voice. Why is he acting like this? What the fuck is his problem?

He pushes me against the locker. "You know you missed me." I try to push him off of me. "Come on don't be like this." Has he been drinking? I can smell the alcohol when ever he opens his mouth.

"Dude? Have you been drinking?"

"Only a smidge." He smirks.

"Get off of me." I try to push him off of me but I'm pinned to the wall.

"Remember the last time this happened?" Liam asks.

"What are you talking about?"

"What? You already forgot about your old life Jena?"

I try to think back.

"Seriously Jena?" He lets go of me. And walks over to the locker and punches it. "It's only been 3 weeks...3 Fucking weeks"

"I don't even remember what I wore yesterday. You think I'm gonna remember something that has happened 3 weeks ago?" I turn to the cafeteria door but before I could touch the door he pulled me back.

"Oh no you don't. You're gonna remember." he pinned me against the wall again.

"Dude, Seriously if you're gonna keep on doing this get a mint because you're breath stinks of alcohol."

"Remember the first day we met. How you showed me around." He laughs a little. "Why the hell do I care. Any who." He says. He lets go of me but puts one hand on the wall and. "You wanted to know why I'm here." He picks me up and puts me over his shoulder. " Come on."

I wasn't enjoying this at all. He dropped me on the floor.


"Whoops." He wobbles over to the cafeteria door. "You see that boy."

" Lucas?" I said looking through the window in the door.

"Yup." He say's "Well he's..-

"Mr. Payne to my office."

Thank you god ! I can't stand his breath.



" You haven't even been in school for a whole day and you're already getting in trouble. " Oh my god shut up. Who the hell cares. Isn't he suppose to give me a warning. Wait why the hell am I in trouble?

"What did I even do.. Umm..Mr. Gramp? "

"It's Grump. "

Like that's even better?

" You are here because some of your teachers said you were acting strange" He lifted his eyebrows and pushed his black circle glasses closer to his face. "And others even said you smelt like alcohol."

My heart started beating fast. It felt like my heart was gonna pop out of my chest. I swear he could hear it from the other side of the desk. I took a deep breath before I said anything.

"Sir." it came out shaky. I cleared my throat. "Sir. I really don't think you can just say that I smell like alcohol and think I am drinking during school hours. What if they mistaken me for another guy. "

He sighs "I guess that could happen. But you see now a days we use surveillance cameras to watch our students. To see what is going on during these school hours. And there's this guy who looks kind like you with a bottle of liquor in his hand."

"That could've been soda."

Mr. Gramp stands up and starts to walk around the desk to sit on the edge.


He shows me the video.

"Now since you're new and it's your first day lets just keep this to ourselves. "

"Really? Okay!"


"Of course." I sit up in the chair. "What."

"You have to do a month of cleaning up the gym."

"Ah okay."

Seems easy.

"In June."

Even better. I'll be gone before then. So..


"You may go."

"Alright." I smile and get out of the chair.

"Home for the rest of the day." I turn around and you could see the fear in my eyes.

Aww fuck. That means my fucking dad has to come and get me.


I here my dad talking to the principle. but I can't make out what they are saying. The door opens and I see my dad come walking out the door. He walks down the hall without saying anything. I grab my backpack and follow him. Usually when he doesn't reply back to anything he is pissed. So I test It to see if he is.

"Dad..I'm sorry."

Silence. Just as I thought.

Where the hell is Luke?


Again being compared to my fucking brother. How did I not see this coming.

This is gonna be a fun ride home.

A/n I Hope you liked it :)

PLEASE COMMENT || VOTE || SHARE It would mean so much if you do ;) I would like to say thank you so much for commenting and voting. I never knew anyone would like this story. I've been working on this story for a long time now and it took so long to get this many reads and votes. I'm just so happy the my hard work has kinda paid off. I don't know if i'll be able to continue any of these stories because I am about to start high school and people are saying it's hard work. So i'm kinda scared. Please wish me luck. I hope I'll be able to altleast do 40 chapters for this book. I love you so much. I'm not saying goodbye just yet because I still have 2 weeks till school starts. I'll be reading Your guys story though. I love you all so much.

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