Run - Chapter Four

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The food here is so delicious. After we ate we went to the auditorium. They just talked about our rooms, the rules, and what you do here. After that we went back to our rooms.

"Umm.. Liam, Nialls coming over." I told him

"Okay..He's our friend right...?"


I couldn't tell him that Harry was coming over too. He would flip out his mind. Niall said hes coming over to apologize.

There was a knock on the door moments later.

Liam opened the door and saw Harry standing In front of him. He pushed him and slammed him against the wall. He lifted him up by the shirt, so that Harry was literally off the ground.

" What the hell are you doing here!" He yelled.

I screamed " Liam stop!" but he didn't listen. I kept on screaming but he still didn't listen.

Liam lifted Harry higher then slammed him on the ground. Harry punched Liam in the face making Liam pause. Enough time to reverse on him. Harry was now on top of Liam. Harry punched him twice. I ran up to Harry and tried to take him off of Liam. Liam's face was now bloody. His eye was blueish and purple. There was blood all over Harry's knuckle. I tried to pull Harry off of Liam once more but he pulled his elbow back and hit me in the face. I fell on the floor and couldn't remember anything after that. I blacked out.

I woke up the next morning in a hospital bed.

"She's awake."

I started getting a serious headache. Liam walked over to me. He had so stitches on his eye and nose. Niall was right next to him.

The doctor walked in and said that my parents couldn't make it here. They were stuck in New York, their flights have been delayed.

"You don't have any brain damage anything. But I want you to stay here over night. That lamp must have hit you real hard." The doctor said as she left the room. Lamp? I didn't get hit with a lamp. Or did I and dreamed the whole thing, but how can I explain the bruises and stitches on Liam's face. Harry walked in. I looked over at Liam and he didn't do anything.

They started whispering to each other.

"Hey what are you guys talking." I said as I struggled to sit up. "Why did she say i got hit with a lamp?"

"We couldn't tell her what actually happened or she would call our parents." Niall said.

"Where were you? Liam and Harry were beating each other up. They almost killed each other." I yelled at Niall. Making his cheeks turn red.

"Can we talk later..Alone." Niall asked. I shook my head yes.

"Okay visiting hours are over. Jena has to rest." The doctor said.

I watched them as they walked out the room. Liam pushed Harry back so Liam can go out the door before Harry. One day I can see them being best friends. I looked over at the clock. 4:57pm. How long was I asleep?

"Whats your name?" I asked the doctor.

"Dr. Malik. Maybe you know my son. He goes to the camp you're going to, His name is Zayn Malik." Doctor Malik

"Umm. no. sorry."

"It's okay , He should be stopping by soon." Dr. Malik said as she went to go and put my dinner on the table. " Oh here he is."

He walked in. He was looked like he was walking in slow motion. His tight white V-Neck shirt made his muscles pop out. He walked up to Dr. Malik. "Hi Mom. How's she doing?"

"She's doing fine. You were right she's as cute as you said she was." She whispered.

I never met the dude. How...Never mind. Dr. Malik left the room and it was just me and Zayn? Right that's his name? I don't know. " How you doing?" He pulled up the stool and sat down next to me.

" I'm sorry who are you?" I asked. I didn't want to sound mean. I was gonna say who the hell are you? but they would make a terrible first impression.

Zayn's POV

Dammit I forgot she doesn't know me. Real smooth. She just laid there looking at me in confusion with her big brown eyes. She doesn't talk that much in classes. I try to talk to her but its kinda hard when you're in the back of the class and shes in the front.

"I'm Zayn. Zayn Malik. I know you don't know me. But I know you. Harry talks all about you."

"He does? Doesn't he hate me." She struggled to sit up.

"I didn't say they were good thing." Harry's not a big fan of her. He talks shit about her 24/7. He wishes she'd fall down a whale and no one would be there to save her and shd'd drown in all that water or starve to death.


" Well I just wanted to see how you were. Hope you feel better." I got up and gave her a kiss on the forehead. She smiled as I got up and left the room.

I walked out the room and Harry and Liam got up.

"So shes okay?" Harry asked.

"You didn't ruin my plan and tell her what we were gonna do right?" Liam said.

" Nah. The plans still good." I really felt bad about what was gonna happen to her. But she deserves it. That bitch is gonna pay. I hope that bitch dies in fire.



Sorry it took so long to do this chapter. Before I Post the next chapter can you VOTE and COMMENT on this chapter please. It would mean alot.

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