Chapter 하나

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She was only five years old when they realized something was wrong with their baby girl. She had a hard time reading in school and she has many personality changes rapidly. It wasn't like Eun-seo at all which scared her parents. Finally one day they took her to have an appointment with an ophthalmologist for an eye exam. Her parents thought that she might only need glasses, but the ophthalmologist told them otherwise. It had scared her parents enough already, but they took their baby girl to a local hospital to have some blood tests done.

Eun-seo had dark hair and brown eyes like any other child but she had more birthmarks than the average child. The parents thought they would go away when she got older, or she was killed cruely during her past life.

She was then moved into the hospital, she even had her own room. The sheets were white and purple. The walls were also a cream color, but everyelse was just white. She hated it. She didn't have anything to do, and her parents were always with the doctor. Who she hated.

She wasn't allowed to get out of her, bed but she did anyway. She pushed back the white curtains and looked out into the city. She missed her neighboorhood, and the trees that grew there. The only sign of life she saw was a small lone tree. It looked like it was just put in the ground, it was cute. One day it was going to be beautiful. She hoped she would grow to be he same.




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