Chapter 넷

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Jimin had fixed up some ramen. He hadn't had time to go by the store cause he had a couple of projects to finish and he had a test thursday.

He wished there was someone to cheer him on. There wasn't anymore.

Jimin had lost his parents in a car wreck when he was fifth teen He had lived on his own for a while untill his only highschool friend Yoongi invited him to live with him.

He accepted happily not standing living alone anymore.

He didn't even have a girl friend in high school. Mostly cause he had glasses and alot of ache. But after a couple of years he got confident enough to buy contacts. Also he started to wash his face more, and using the face cream Yoongi used.

He felt like dying his hair like Yoongi does almost every month but he didn't want to ruin his hair so he just left it black. Trying to figure out what style fit him best.

He had pictures of his parents in his small room. They were beautiful together in his eyes and he wanted to be a perfect father like his own.

He felt guilty for being a dumb teen saying horrible things to his father and mother. He regreted it all wishing he could take it back but he couldn't.

"Why can't I have my parents back..?"



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