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Jungkook wasn't a fool and Jimin knew it but he needed him to just trust him. He knew what he was doing. The younger still insisted he stay at him and Taehyung's for a while but he still pushed the throught down. He didn't want to be in their private life.

Once he got home, making sure Hyung wasn't home, he made dinner and kept it on warm before he leaves the apartment once again. He stops for some fast food and sit outside for a bit. He then just went for a walk, letting his mind wonder. He bought some flowers. Purple ones.

Once at his destination he spots the grave, but a small child sat near it. She sobbed into her flowers and her hospital dress puddled at her feet.

Eun-seo. What was she doing here? He looked around for Jin but he wasn't anywhere near the park. Just parents and some kids.


"Oh Jimin!" She cried. "It is so nice to have a cross here...s-so she won't be forgotten."

The small girl held purple flowers in her small hands.





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