Chapter 열하나

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After Jin had hugged her she felt more angry and pushed away from him throwing her bunny at him.

The bunny had glass shards on it which cut Jin on the cheek. She saw him cover up the cut with his hand and told Jimin who was at the door to get the nurse.

They gave her two pills this time and they put her in a weird shirt. It made her more angry as she moved around wanting to get out.

"Eomma!! Appa!!" She yelled for her parents. She cried some more, she was scared.

She breathed heavily seeing a nurse approach her slowly with a syringe. She screamed and kicked at the nurses who held her down.

"Ani!! I want my Eomma!!" She yells.

She passed out after she felt a pain in her neck.

Eun Seo woke up hours after, it was dark out and she heard the door open. She felt weak so she just turned her head.

It was Jin and that Jimin guy.

"J-Jin-Oppa..I-Im sorry.." She says softly seeing a bandage on his cheek.

"Its okay Eun Seo, im fine see?" He motions to his bandage "Im just glad you didn't get hurt"

She nods and turned to Jimin, he stared at her with something she could quite point out.

"Um..Eun Seo..I have some bad news.." Jin says as he looks down scratching the back of his head "The nurses wanted me to tell you since I am closer with you.."

"Y-Your parents were in a car wreck earlier today.." Jin starts out.

Once he finishes Eun Seo sat there with tears running down her face.

"My eomma..and appa...are dead..?"



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