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I woke up before Taylor did. I looked over at her and watched her sleep for a few minutes. I smiled and got up. I went to go take a quick shower and slipped in some black skinny jeans, a white V neck shirt and a leather jacket. I planned to get her some flowers before she woke up. I left her a note so she won't worry that much. I ran out the door and straight to the car. I went to the place where I always buy the best flowers. It was pretty close so I know I would make it back home before Taylor woke up. I smiled on my way over to the flower shop. I walked in already I saw the perfect one. A lady then came to greet me.

LADY:"Hey there, is there anything I can help you with?she said smiling

ME:"um yes actually I'd love to buy these" I said grabbing the bouquet of red roses.

LADY:"oh why of course!" She said grabbing the roses.

I went back to the car and looked and smelled at the flowers. They smelled amazing I'm sure Taylor would love it I said putting the flowers on the passenger seat.

I drove off and I just smiled because I couldn't wait to see Taylor. It was a really bumpy ride due to the rocks. I noticed there was a car driving on the wrong side of the road. It was getting closer and faster to me. I didn't have time to move out the way.

ME:"SHIT" I screamed while I opened the door and jumped out the car.

I rolled over and hit my head on a big hard rock.

Everything was blurry... I couldn't even open my eyes.I saw the car had hit the tree and I noticed blood was coming out of my head...I laid there not moving a muscle...I was gone I didn't see anything. It was pitch black. But I heard a voice shouting at me. But I couldn't open my eyes anymore.

MAN:"MS. ARE YOU OKAY..."said a man...

I rolled over to Laura's side and didn't feel her body anymore. I opened my eyes to a letter on top of her pillow.

Good Morning beautiful I'm out to bring you a surprise. I'll be back I promise. ❤️

Love, Laura

I rolled over again holding the note that Laura wrote. She's the sweetest. I jumped up and down and just smiled at the note. I finally got up and went to the kitchen. I made my self coffee and then just stood on the balcony and just admired the breeze and the amazing view. I then received a call from Laura's mother.

ANGIE:"TAYLOR WHERE ARE YOU...LAURA..." She screamed and cried at the same time

I tried to understand what she was trying to say but she kept talking to fast...until I finally heard it...


I dropped the cup I was holding, I ran and grabbed a jacket and pants and called for a taxi. I thought nothing more than Laura being okay. I cried all the way to the hospital... She has to be okay I said sobbing...
I ran through the emergency room and saw Laura's family crying.


Nobody replied so I just sat down and cried, Laura's mother hugged me, and told me everything was gonna okay...
This can't be. Laura has to be okay. I won't be able to get through this without her.

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