So tell me more about yourself Barry

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Kara's POV

I woke up with tears streaming down my face. I wanted Barry back in my life so badly for so long and I just pushed him away. Why did I have to be so stubborn. So I called the only person who I could talk to, Kal-El.

"Come on Kal, please pick up"

"Hello, this is Clark Kent speaking, how may I be of your assistance."

"Um I'm pretty sure your real name is not Clark, Kal-El."

"Kara! Oh my god we haven't talked in ages."

"Yeah it feels like longer than the phantom zone. Either way, I really need to talk to you about some... alterego troubles. Have you heard of the multiverse?"

"Yeah, but those theories can barely be proved."

"Well, it's real. A superhero, called The Flash came to National City a few days ago. He came from another earth. That same person, died on this earth. I know becaus, it's Barry."

"Barry as in the Barry Allen you were in love with during the tenth grade? That Barry Allen..." He sounded concerned

"Yes. So eitherway, turns out he's now the fastest man alive, is actually alive and lives riight next door."

"Kara, I swear if I come and visit you and..." he started

"Kal-El, that's not why I called. I was so shocked and overwhelmed when he came to say hi last night that I pushed him away."

"Kara, you friend zoned him."


"Well I have to go but I know how to fix it. I'm your 'was younger and now older' cousin. I will help you through this."

"Thanks. And if you're ever in town, drop by. I'd love to see you."

"Will do Kara. Bye"

"Bye Kal" I said as he hung up. He was always so easy to talk to.

I looked at the clock an figured I would get dressed and pick up the coffee at Noonans a bit earlier today. This always happened when I was upset.

As I walked inside, the barista Lillian seen me.

"Oh hey Kara. Somethibg bothering you?" She asked me

"Yeah but I'd rather not talk about it." I sat on a stool

"I get it. Well I'll get a headstart on Miss Grants order but would you like a latte?"

"How much?"

"On the house."

"Thanks Lillian."

"Anything for the girl of steel. So you going to the deo today."

"Yeah are you?"

"Night duties like always"

Did I forget to mention she works part time at the DEO?

"Eitherway Miss Grant sounds like she's going to be early today so I will see you later Agent Valence"

"You too, girl of steel" she whispered and we laughed.

As I walked into the office, I seem Carter sitting at my desk.

"Hey Carter! I haven't seen you in a while. How's the Supergirl phase going?" I asked him sitting beside him

"I still can't get over the train. She was so much prettier than on tv. And look at this guy, they call him the red streak. People say that he's competition but I think it's more of an alliance. What do you think?"

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