Episode 3: Class Dis-Kissed

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Chris: Last time on Total Drama Campus Life; an old friend returned, much to his own dismay, Cody! The students battled it out in a painful food fight to the finish, but when Sierra failed her team it left her with a terrible decision to switch and eliminate Bridgette, or go home herself. In the end, she chose to go home along with Will who sacrificed himself to save Heather, who he believed deserved it more than him. Also, Tanners flirtations with BeBe seem to be causing some trouble with her relationship. Do we have another Alejandro? Will he go too far? Will I ever get that latte that I ordered last season that NEVER CAME? Find out now, on Total Drama Campus Life!

Tanner is smiling while he 'sleeps with his eyes open'.

BeBe: Ew.

BeBe:(conf) Honestly, why are the girls with the boys? This isn't co-ed this is million-ed and if I'm going to put my heart and would into this game, he needs to put those beautiful eyes somewhere non-creepy! Did I say beautiful? I meant gorgeous-I mean freaky. Heh.

BeBe: Listen, do you and I have a problem here?

Tanner: Zzzz.

BeBe: Saying 'Zzzz' doesn't confirm that you're actually sleeping doofus.

Tanner: Fine, I like to admire beautiful girls, ok?

BeBe: Aw shucks-I mean aw shut up! If you make one more move I'm telling Collin and you're toast!

Tanner: Ok, sweetheart. Whatever you say.

BeBe rolls her eyes and pulls the blanket over her head.

Gianna:(conf) I overheard that conversation. Talk about freaky, and that is coming from a girl who can talk to spirits. Oh, hello Robert. Oh yes I know. You want me to tell them? Robert says BeBes in big trouble.

At the Socialites dorm...

Brick: Pst. Hey Tyler. I can't sleep.

Tyler: Why?

Brick: I don't know. I guess it's insomnia.

Tyler: Try counting sheep. That's what I do.

Heather: Why don't you try counting your brain cells? Oh wait, you don't have any. Now shut up and go to sleep.

Brick: But I can't sleep.

Tyler: Then count how many times she's mean to you, haha.

That morning Heather wakes up to find Brick still laying in his bed.

Brick: 237, 238, 239-

Heather: SHUT UP!

Brick:(conf) 240. Sheesh.

Chris:(over the loudspeaker) Please report to the bleachers in the gym. It is time for today's challenge.

On the way....

BeBe: And then I was like, don't put the pineapple in there!

Zoey: That's hilarious!

BeBe: Thanks Zoe. I wonder why we didn't have this kind of friendship last season.

Zoey: Well, I got booted early. But no big deal, I have a feeling that I'm going to go far this time.

BeBe: No offense, but I wouldn't count on it with Justin and all. He really means what he says.

Zoey glares at Justin menacingly. He stares right back.

Zoey: I can take care of Justin.

Zoey walks off and Tanner walks up.

Tanner: Why hello BeBe!

BeBe: Leave me alone.

Tanner: Why? Are you afraid of me?

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