Episode 9: Lip-Glossophobia

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Chris: Last time on Total Drama Campus Life: The teams were each assigned to compose and conduct an original piece. When they performed, some were amazing, some were amazingly creepy, and Collin saved lives when he jumped under the falling chandelier in which Hanna cut the cord too. Hanna had a mental breakdown and Gwen was voted off, but surprisingly Collin took her place to reverse the curse! Now that Hanna is not just weird but completely insane, how will she ruin today's challenge? Find out this time on Total Drama Campus Life!

The Sharpeners dorm is quiet and calm. BeBe sits alone crying, missing her boyfriend. While Justin is lifting weights and Bridgette is playing video games.

Bridgette: BeBe, please don't cry. Collin just wanted to keep us safe is all.

BeBe: But I let him go! I shouldn't have let him go! We could have found another way...

Bridgette: Honestly, I think he should have gone anyway.

BeBe: Easy for you to say, you aren't in love with him!

Bridgette: Look, I've dealt a whole season without my boyfriend and I made it pretty far!

Justin: Fourteenth place for you, woohoo.

Bridgette: Oh shut up. It was just that stupid Alejandro and his charming looks!

Justin: Oh I get it. This six pack isn't enough for you?

Bridgette: Storyboarding, sexist pigs aren't my type.

Justin: Oh so now I'm sexist? How?


Justin: Shut up! Your boyfriend is not coming back!

BeBe: Wait a minute, isn't there always a returning contestant in each season?

Bridgette: I think Hanna used that up.

BeBe: I have to ask Chris! If I can bring Collin back, his curse will be gone and we can make it to the finals!

Bridgette: I've got a bad feeling about this.

BeBe storms out of the dorm to find Chris. She goes into his office, but turns and hides behind a wall after she sees who talking to him already. Hanna.

Hanna: So I can do it without getting eliminated?

Chris: As long as there's no major problem of course! Be my guest!

Hanna: Oh the backpacks of Candyland shan't fool me today. For today is the REIGN OF DEATH!

BeBe cringes and peeks out. Hanna pops up and puts chloroform over her mouth.

Hanna: Sleep tight little munchkin, for my kittens will have fun with you!

BeBe: What the-

She falls, knocked out.

In the Socialites dorm, Heather, Gwen, Courtney, and Lindsay are chatting about Hanna while she's gone.

Heather: She put red dye in my shampoo! She's crazy! Also, she showed me a video of her cutting the chandelier cord. There were more windows pulled up on my laptop, but she found me and made me close them. We have to vote her off ASAP!

Courtney: I agree. The other day, she ate my muffin without permission! That was my favorite flavor of muffin!

Gwen: Nobody cares about your muffins Courtney!

Courtney: I like blueberries, ok?

Lindsay: Guys, I have a bad feeling that Hanna can hear what we're saying!

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