Episode 10: D-R-A-M-A

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Chris: Last time on Total Drama Campus Life: Hanna unleashed her usual wrath on the students by sabatoging their essays and feeding them cyanide cake. Pretty intense, huh? Anyhoo, today's challenge will show the students' inner spirit, but who's will get crushed in the process? Find out now on Total Drama Campus Life!

Now that the merge has come, the boys recieve a dorm and the girls have a dorm. Since Justin is the only boy remaining, he gets one all to himself.

Justin: It's always good to be me! Hm.. I may need to apply some more hairspray. I'm looking a little saggy.

He sprays the hairspray. The girls her his scream. He barges into their dorm with his hair soaked in hard, white liquid.


Gwen: It wasn't me, I swear!

BeBe: Don't look at me, bro.

Heather: It was obviously Hanna Banana over there. She's a total cook, of course she did it!

Hanna: Hanna is not available at the moment. Please leave a message and she will get back to you in never. BOOP!

Justin: Ok, Hanna. You may be an audience favorite, but as far as I'm concerned you're as good as gone tonight!

Hanna: You are one to talk-eth Sir Abselot! You deserve to have cold and hard hair for it is equal to your heart.

Justin:(conf) When I eliminate her, I'm not going to let her even board that bus, I'm gonna throw her UNDER IT!

Lindsay:(conf) Ok, nobody told me it was concrete season. (Rubs concrete in her hair) That's better.

Heather:(conf) First she dyes my hair red and then she concretes Justin's? Does she have some sort of hair fetish?

Hanna:(conf) Hair is the window into your bloodstream....

Courtney pulls Gwen outside while they continue to argue.

Gwen: What's up?

Courtney: Look, I've done something really bad and you're kind of the only person I trust.

Gwen: That's a first. What did you do that was so horrible?

Courtney: I went into Chris' office and stole the immunity idol. He hadn't announced it yet, so I figured it would be there. I was keeping it for a rainy day when I may screw up, but now....

Gwen: Now, what?

Courtney: It's gone. Somebody took it.

Gwen: Do you know who took it, Courtney?

Courtney: No, and I'm super worried that it was Hanna. We have to vote her off tonight, things are getting too out of hand.

Gwen: Hopefully the challenge is easy today. We are going to have to win.

Courtney: Gwen, if Chris knows I'm the one who took it I will probably get kicked off the show.

Gwen: Maybe you should have thought about that before you actually stole it!

Courtney: Now, someone knows what I did. I am so screwed!

Gwen: They wouldn't use it agaisnt you like that. Well, besides Hanna and Justin. You're practically fine!

Courtney: I need to win today's challenge and vote off Hanna. I need to know if it's her.

Gwen: I'll help. After all, we are on the same alliance now.

Courtney: I knew I could trust you!

They fist bump.

Gwen:(conf) Well, this is going to blow up in my face, isn't it? (Holds up the immunity idol)

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