Episode 5: A+ For Psycho-ology

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Chris: Last time on Total Drama Campus Life; I took a day off and my lovely assistant, Chef, took over the situation. Secrets were spilled, bombs were blown, and Collins were severely injured. In the end, it was Cody and Jo who took the bus of shame due to insufficient effort. What other secrets will be revealed? Will Tanner continue his antagonistic streak or will someone finally rid of the constant evil? Find out this time on Total Drama Campus Life!

At the Socialites dorm...

Brick: Hey Gwen!

Gwen: Leave me alone, jerk.

Brick: Mike?

Mike: Not cool, dude. That was seriously rude!

Brick: Heather? Lindsay?

Lindsay: Nah, I'm good.

Heather: Not on your life, General Sexist.

Brick:(conf) So I accidentally made a 'sexist' comment during battle yesterday and now everyone hates me! Gosh, I should really ignore my Leading Officers remarks...

Heather:(conf) I don't know what Brickhead learned at Military Camp, but I know tons of women, including myself, who could kick his-

Lindsay: Peanuts! Eep! I love reward food!

Courtney: Maybe that'll shut her up for once.

Lindsay: What'd you say?

Courtney: Oh nothing!

Courtney:(conf) Just that she's a blabber-mouthing skunk bag and I hate her so freaking much!

At the Sharpeners dorm....

BeBe: Hey, Collin. I know you can't really talk or move your mouth but I got you some soup!

Collin makes muffled noises through his bandages.

BeBe: Yeah, I know I'm the last person you want to see but I feel terrible about the kiss.

Collin:(angry muffled noises)

BeBe: Oh really? That's how you feel, huh? Well then.

She accidentally drops the soup on his lap.

Collin: MPH! MPH! HMPH!

BeBe:(conf) Hehe, oops...

Zoey: Listen, Justin, those torn up pictures of you are seriously not my doing!

Justin: You can't prove anything!

Zoey: You're right, I can't. If anything, I wouldn't sabotage my chances in the game by revealing those pictures.

Justin: Leave me alone, traitor!

Zoey:(conf) How am I a traitor? We weren't even friends in the first place!

Justin:(conf) Ok I didn't say anything, but it's kind of obvious Zoey didn't do it. I just need a martyr to vent my anger on, because anyone who desecrates pictures of my beauty will face my wrath!

Bridgette: Hello Tanner!

Tanner: Good morning Bridgette. How did you sleep?

Bridgette: Oh I slept like a log.


Tanner: That's just wonderful. How's Geoff, your boyfriend?

Bridgette: Don't you dare, pervy!

Tanner:(conf) Pervy? Is that seriously what these idiots have stooped to?

Chris:(over the loudspeaker) Please report to room 205 for today's challenge! Hehehehe...

Gwen:(conf) Whenever Chris 'Hehehe''s, he is probably planning to kill us.

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