Episode 6: Queen of the Homecoming Tirade

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Chris: Huh. Last time on Total Drama Campus Life; Stuff happened. There was a challenge like ALWAYS. Mike and Brick got the boot even after Lindsay threw the challenge. Zoey changed her look again after Mike gave her some inspiring news. That's what happened. So. Yeah. Watch the show so I can have money. This is Total Drama Campus Life! Sigh...

Heather, Gwen, Lindsay, and Courtney sit chatting in their room, braiding each other's hair.

Courtney: We're like a dream team, guys!

Gwen: But we lost the challenge...

Courtney: Yeah, but now that the boys are gone it's total girl power!

Lindsay: Guess what? I smuggled lattes from the other teams reward breakfast! Also some eggs and bacon!

Heather: Thanks Lindsay! Wow. I never thought this would be so comfortable. I'm actually feeling not evil today!

Gwen: Well that's a change for the better!

Gwen:(conf) Ok, so, I kinda love our girls team! I can bring out my girly side without being judged and truth is, Courtney, Lindsay, Heather, and I are kinda chill so I can probably just expect them to vote for Linds next time! I never thought I'd say this but I kind of like this show now!

Courtney:(conf) Heather is better. Gwen's ok. And Lindsay? Well, she's Lindsay!

Heather: So, I think we should plot to sabotage the team and frame certain people!

Gwen: I'm listening..

Courtney: Me too! Keep talking!

Lindsay: I love plans!

Heather: So, obviously, Tanner and Zoey are the main threats. If we knock them off soon then we can probably throw off BeBe by making things worse for her. Then 'accidentally' hurt Collin just a little bit more so he can go home on an injury! How's that sound?

Lindsay: I don't like the hurting part. One thing My Little Pony taught me is sharing is caring!

Courtney: That doesn't even have anything to do with hurting someone! Besides, if it's an 'accident', then we won't be blamed!

Lindsay: Oh, goodie! I'm what you call a pacifier so I'll just leave the pain stuff to you guys.

Gwen: I think you mean a pacifist?

Lindsay: Oh yeah, thanks Bridgette!

Gwen: I'm not-Whatever.

At Team Sharpeners dorm Collin is getting better and can start to walk again. BeBe is aiding in his physical therapy and Zoey and Justin sit talking.

Zoey: So, rumor has it that Tanner isn't working alone. And I have my own accusations.

Justin: Let me guess. You think it's me?

Zoey: You struggle to be the main antagonist so maybe this is your way of reaching that goal, I don't know!

Justin: Look, I don't know who it is, but to be honest, watch your back tonight. Tanner keeps looking over at you like you're fresh meat for him to vote off. I won't vote for you if you promise to vote for Bridgette!

Zoey: How do you know we're going to lose? GASP! Are you sabotaging our team?

Justin: If I can, I will. We need to knock off people here. Collin will be a threat soon so maybe vote him next week?

Zoey: I'm sorry but I'm not helping you do this. How could I trust you after those accusations you made about me?

Justin: Oh I knew that was Tanner I was just bored.

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