Chapter: 1

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Storms brewed on the cold horizon promising nothing but winds to level even the mightiest of trees to the soil. The night darkness and damps smelling air threatened to render Alexandra helpless beneath whatever pitiful shelter she sought.

Granny casts her eyes to the charcoal sky, her attention held by a golden streak, a crack in the cloud layer where the dawn streamed through as fast as water through a cracked dam. The rain was promised, the wind already unleashed,

The clouds above Alexandra oozed and billowed across the awakening night, casting the meadow into a shadowy darkness. A jagged bolt of lightning ripped the sky in half and she began to run, wincing as each icy raindrop pierced her skin.

The violent wind whipped the blonde hair around her face and tears mixed with rain as a numbing coldness gripped her heart. Thunder rolled across the sky, seeming to crack the world in half and reveal the fury of the gods. It reverberated around the green landscape, eerily echoing as Alexandra desperately searched for shelter.

Granny worried to death as Alexandra wasn't home yet, and the signs of storms were clearer. A sudden loud crack of thunderstorm set worries for granny as her breathing went slow, coughing her soul out, while she tries to get a grip hold of the wooden chair besides her to keep herself stable but her weakness overcame her strength.
Seeking for breath while her sight slowly blurred with bloody red eyes and fell off the ground unconscious.

"I should be getting home by now" sighed Alexandra as she was running at a high pace. Ground beneath her feet shook as the second loud bang of thunderstorm struck leaving her on the ground muddled into mud. As fast as she possibly could, got up and ran when she finally could view her house from a distance.

Without wasting time, she opened the door and called out to granny who laid unconscious "anny am home! Where are you?" getting no response from granny freaked Alexandra.

"Anny??? Anny wake up your Alex is here" tapping her granny on the face as she saw her laying down on the floor near the wooden chair. She sobbed into her chest unceasingly, hands clutching at her scarf. She held her, rocking her slowly as her tears soaked her chest.

A tiny lapse let her pull away, blinking lashes heavy with tears, howls of misery worsening. As she slowly raised granny's hand to check her pulses finding it hard to feel.

Her dark green eyes looked as if an ocean had been encased inside of small glass marbles. "please don't leave me." she said. Then the heavy downpour went on heavier; the storm had started to begin, little water droplets streamed down Alexandra's rosy cheeks as she screamed out crying in agony for her granny's loss. Her only remaining family had left her all alone with nothing but her destiny. Burying her pale yellowish face on her granny's chest.

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