chapter: 15

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A few hours of torture, I finally could see rays of hope, as I heard Arthur's voice from a far distance. I screamed as hard and loud as I could for Arthur to hear me. It wasn't long before.....


It had been almost two days to Alexandra's disappearance. I couldn't explain how I really felt. It felt like ages as I kept wandering around in search of Alex. My eyes had turned pale, sleepless nights, time seemed to have stopped moving.

The urge to cry comes and goes, chaotic, powerful, spilling hot tears. In-between the floods it sits heavy on my heart. The feeling of almost going crazy when I suddenly stopped over, looking around at a place that looked like some lone deserted warehouse.

Searching around, as I tried looking for a clue that would lead me to Alex. I moved my feet in a silence and walked passed the first gate." Hello!! Anyone there???" I screamed loud enough but there was no sound in the building except for the hollow echo of broken locker doors swinging in an eerie breeze. The desks once warmed by workers now lay vacant and rotting.

I knew tensing against the shaking of my limbs was useless but I did it instinctively, trying to suppress for a few more moments what I knew I couldn't. Blood in my body ran cold as the surrounding got more tense.

A sudden sharp painful voice was heard from the insides, it was quite difficult to figure out whose voice it actually was. As my body shook in fear of hoping that I either found Alex, or hoping that it would have to be someone else and that Alex was some place safe and was testing my patience.

I walked towards the direction from the voice came from. It was not long enough when I saw Alex tied up bare and cold.
The wounds on her body oozed blood and the entire right side of her body and face wore a purple-yellow smear of bruises.

Tears rolled over my cheeks, she was tied up bare and cold. I was too late, she almost seemed dead as from where I stood. My feet trembled as I quickly ran towards her and immediately untied her hands, carried her in my Arms and made my way to the car.

Rushing towards the hospital, totally ignoring the road signals. Nothing felt worse than seeing Alex in a condition that I hoped for not being serious. She has been through worse situations, and I couldn't afford letting this one be just another one, which it was already.

Escaping the fast moving cars on the opposite direction, when I finally made it to the hospital, calling in for emergency. Immediate medics arrived with a stretcher and carried her in. Walking with same pace as the medics, when they stopped me over.

"I'm sorry sir, you can't go beyond this point.". Requested one of the nurses as they quickly disappeared past the ICU door. Crossing my fingers through the entire process as I eagerly waited for the positive results from the Doctor.

Few hours of waiting, the nurse walked out calling me over to the ward Alex was taken into. "I'm sorry Mr Arthur, we tried our level best to revive her breathing, but they were too low to response. We couldn't save her. And one more thing, she was 1 month pregnant." 

I stood there entirely in shock, my mind refusing to agree to what I was just informed. "NOOOOOO!!!" I let out a loud screaming painful denial, as I buried my face on her chest, crying my soul out. "You can't leave me baby, please noo!!" Shaking her intensely as I lose my patience, "WAKE UP ALEX!!!!"

"Mr Arthur, you got to relax. I'll call in and get Alex ready to be sent to the cemetery before the burial ceremony."  Spoke one of my assistant, as he pressed an apologetic press on my shoulder and walked out.

My life seemed to have ended before it even started. Every dream, every happiness was buried away after Alexandra's burial. It felt like a death by a thousand paper cuts, for every time i remembered her loss it was another cut to my already damaged mind.

We were about to get married, I was about to be a all got snatched away. Just like I felt after my father's death and my mother's second marriage. The feeling of being the last man standing on earth.

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