Chapter: 8

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"Excuse me doctor" called out Arthur as he walked past the door.

"kindly if you could update me on Alex's deteriorating condition."

"Mr Arthur, I have done some tests on Alex, and found out that she is in trauma."

"I had assumed that, but according to me, it was likely to be a minor trauma."

"I'm sorry to say this, but she will have to stay longer at the hospital. She is likely to be suffering from Bipolar disorder."

"Thank you doctor, please do whatever it takes to heal her."

"Daddy" i shouted as i searched for my father . There, lying in on the kitchen floor behind the counter,he had been murder and blood poured out of his body.

"We meet again," a voice said, walking from behind.

"Please, please, don't kill me. I'll do whatever you want. I gave you all that I had ."

"Too late," the village head said with a smirk spread across his face. "It's your turn to die. Heheheh" He pointed the gun at my head and with a grin. BANG!

The gun went off. My hands shook as i woke up to the sound of Arthur walking in. "noooooo" I screeched loudly. Arthur rushed moving closer wrapping his arms around me.

"nothing is wrong Alex, you are safe." as he caressed my back. "He will kill me, he killed everyone I loved! Noo please tell him to spare me. "

He wiped the sweat off my forehead and sat up on the bed as he tried his level best to keep me calm. Pulling out the phone from his pocket, calling Josh.

It had been almost four days I last saw him. How could he not pick any of Arthur's calls? He made certain trips to the village supplying timber and construction materials.

"I'm worried about Josh." murmured Arthur.

"what if the villagers might have held him captive?  Or might as well have killed him. " 

My watery eyes enlarged and the hairs on the nape of neck bristled. A gaggle of goose pimples laminated frigid, naked skin. Slow and deliberate, the door handle turned.
Finally, the door creaked open and two police officers made their way towards Arthur.

"Mr Arthur, we are from the police Department."

"How may I help you officers? "

"we are here to investigate Miss Alexandra Nicole for the death of Mr Josh McGregor."

"How is that possible sir, Alex has been under observation and isn't allowed to leave the premises until her condition stabilizes."

"A complaint was lodged earlier this morning. Mr Josh McGregor was found 3 days earlier picking Alexandra from the lonely street. According to the village guard who witnessed the action has accused Alex suffering from a rare mental disorder. "

My eyes popped wide, as i made several attempts to speak, but no words came out of my twitching lips.

"Well, I agree that Josh picked Alex up, but I was there as well. We both decided to bring her here."

"Mr Arthur, when was the last you spoke with the victim?"

"The same day when we brought Alex to the hospital. I had to rush for an important meeting. Right after the meeting, I received a call from him, he was on his way to deliver goods to the village."

"where was Alex at that time? "

" she was in her ward officer."

"I would like to have a word with her."

"I don't think this is the appropriate time for interrogation."

"Kindly step aside Mr Arthur and let us do our job."

"Miss Alexandra, mind explaining what you did to Josh?"

" Alex is innocent sir, I take her guarantee she has been ill. You cannot force her to speak." Screamed Arthur as he walked past the monitor heading towards the officer in charge.

"This is the last time I will repeat myself, let me do the necessary."

"Coming to where we were, what have you done to Mr Josh McGregor!? "

"sir Alex...." before he could finish his statement, an officer pulled him out of the ward leaving me alone with the head officer.

"what have you done to Josh!!!?" he screamed while banging his fists on the bed.

"no.. Noth....Nothing sir," stammering as I replied to the officer.

"He was found dead the next morning, and the villagers have accused you to be the main suspect."

"I have done nothing, please believe me."

"why did you leave the village?"

"I didn't leave, they ousted me! Whatever I was left with, was snatched away from me. They even killed my family. Why will I kill Josh who saved me?." I raised my voice replying back. Every word stung only fueling the fire that burned inside of me.

Every violated phrase was like gasoline to it, my fists began to clench and my jaw rooted. When the final mento had been added to the coke inside of me exploding with anger, with no control objects levitated and broke.

I breathed in and out but air wouldn't enter my lungs. Starved for air, my heart raced at tremendous speeds, and my lungs shallowly rose and fell in time. I sat there for what felt like an eternity but was actually only five minutes.

Satisfaction of security was nothing but a distant memory , and an invisible force crushed me from every possible direction. Each second submerged in fear, making a permanent mark on my heart, and a vivid imagination made me wonder whether it was just my mind playing tricks or reality.

Monitor beeps got louder, blood level dropping. Everything inside of me started trembling, blurred vision, voices Disappearing as I observed the officers lips moving in a slow pace before my brain stopped functioning .

"Doctor!!! Mr Arthur!!." He screamed rushing towards the door calling out for immediate medical attention.

"I told you, this wasn't the right time to question her, I hope it's nothing serious."

Arthur immediately ran Making his way towards the ward bringing in the doctor along with him. Few seconds after examining my almost dead body, He shook his head and rang the emergency Alarm.

Three nurses walked in immediately and moved my bed  rushing me towards the intensive care unit. Arthur stood at the side with a shocked looking face.

Continuous beeping of the monitor was heard from the far end, I couldn't figure out what was happening to me, my eyes felt heavy and hard to open as my body was stiff and sore.

"I'm sorry to inform you that her condition is worsening, any stress on her can be fatal." suggested the doctor to Arthur after shifting to ICU.

"I'll take note of that, how is she doing now?"

"we have kept her on insulin and under strict observation for the next five hours. Her body responding to the medications will decide the next step."

"Thank you Doctor."

"Mr Arthur, we are sorry about what happened earlier. We are yet to finish off with the interrogation." spoke the officer as he walked towards Arthur.

"As of now, you will have to keep this matter low profile until Alex is better and ready to face her fears. Thank you and good day."

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