chapter: 14

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Arthur sat back and let the happiness soak right into his bones. He wanted the feeling to still be there. He closed his eyes and savoured the moment, but never released his grip on the seemingly inconsequential piece of paper and ink in his hands. For the first time in forever his body and mind relaxed.

A smile played on his face, as I stood at the entrance to his office. "good morning" I greeted, as he stood from his position and walked towards me, placing a warm kiss on my forehead. "Good morning to you too baby".

I couldn't resist but smile at how lovely the whole thing seemed. It was almost five hours since I'd been at the office and was about to leave,when I received a call from unknown number asking me to rush home. I was confused as I walked out heading towards the car.

"Home please" as I sat in the car directing the driver. There was no response from him apart from a nod he indicated. A call from some unknown number wasn't of a bother to me, I'd assumed one of the workers from home had called.

Few minutes later, the driver was heading towards the opposite direction from the lane he was supposed to. I tried speaking, but an immediate hand towel covered my face, as my sight blurred  and soon passed out. 

In a flash of shock and dread, I twitched  awake, finding myself in a fluorescent liquid, shielded by a glass visor covering my eyes, but still, it partly obscures my vision. After the disorientation drops to a bearable level, I hear their voices  distorted by fluid and warped with fear.

"Seems like she is awake" a piercing voice from distance spoke, almost recognizable. I couldn't figure out where I heard his similar voice before. A sudden grip of fist tightened on my arm as they drugged me, once again losing my consciousness.

There was nothing I could do but to lay lifeless as they held me captive. Everytime I gained consciousness, they would drug or molest me. I laid in there for almost a day, when I woke up with a sharp pain in my head. Looking around as my vision gets better.

It was nothing less than a horrifying tunnel where as I was tied in a glass coffin filled with water and my bare body, it felt like my whole body had been beaten and every movement caused some muscle or bone to ache. Regardless, I needed to get out of here.

"Arthur!!!!!, anybody there? Please help!" Trying to seek for help but no response at all. Few minutes later, the door opened and someone approached towards where I was. Laughing uncontrollably as he looked at me, tracing his fingers on my lips. Tried screaming again when his face appeared and it was none other than Matt.

"You will pay for what you did you damn bitch." Whispering into my ear with voice full of anger and vengeance.

"There is nothing wrong with what I did you spineless human!!"

His grips tightened on my hair, as he pulled them hard getting closer to my face and biting my lips. It was nothing less than a painful pierce. Licking blood from my lips with his tongue as he tightened his hands into a fist and before I could see, a punch landed on my cheek.

A few hours of torture, I finally could see rays of hope, as I heard Arthur's voice from a far distance. I screamed as hard and loud as I could for Arthur to hear me. It wasn't long before........

To be continued in the next chapter

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