Chapter: 9

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"Alex, can you hear me?" whispered Arthur as he caressed my hair and wiping my face with a warm wet towel. It had been three weeks I last spoke or saw anyone around me.

I slowly lifted my heavy eyelids and as the strong smell of antibacterial cleaner filled my nose. My mouth was dry and I smacked my lips a few times. I was laying down, in a bed it seemed, and the room was bright.

Light from the window reflecting off the white walls, making me want to close my eyes again. I felt like I had slept for years, I was still tired. I heard the beeping of a machine and slowly turned my head towards the source of the noise. The muscles in my neck were stiff and sore. I saw Arthur sitting in a chair by the bedside.

"wa.. Wahter." I tried speaking, my throat felt dry. Finally managing to trace my eyes all the way to the water jar by the Chester. His face was pale and full of cold. Eyes were dark, cupped by fleshy pouches with lack of sleep.

"what is it that you want?" spoke Arthur patting his palms on my Forehead. Slowly raising my hand as I pointed towards the water jar knowing that my voice wasn't clear enough to be understood.

Staring at his dark messed up hair, untucked shirt and slightly folded pants from the Ankles, as he lifted the glass jar filling it with half a glass of water. Calmly lifting the glass and placing it on my dried cracked lips.

"Do you feel better now?" Questioned Arthur placing the glass on the side of the bed.

"was I unconscious for three weeks?" I asked looking around to a different environment, seeing more machines placed around the light blue painted room with cream curtains pinned to the sides of the wall.

"yes, your condition had worsened. We had to immediately shift you to the intensive care unit. You had fallen into a short period of coma." explained as he jerked out of the room heading out to call for the doctor in charge.

Straining my mind to think of possible ways as to why I ended up in an intensive care unit ward, it was quite difficult to re-think of actions that took place before the Blackout. Slowly holding on to the bed, as I push myself upwards to sitting position.

Few minutes later, Arthur and the doctor walked in heading towards the monitor, grabbing the clipboard making his way towards me. Placing a stethoscope on my chest and examined my breathing.

"we can now shift her to the private ward." suggested the doctor as he slowly removed the IV line from my hand.

"can I rather take her home? I guess she will feel much more relaxed and can recover soon."

"sure Mr Arthur, but for that you will have to take a nurse along with you."

"That's not a problem." responded Arthur.

It was almost 6 hours when Arthur and the doctor last discussed about my discharge and it's almost evening now.

Few minutes later, he approached towards me as I was laying down in the ward meanwhile. He slowly helped the nurse lift me up and place me on a wheelchair and slowly walked towards the reception.

"kindly get her into the car as I finish the formalities and clear the pending amount of payment." Directing the nurse as he walks away and disappears into the far end of corridors.

"You are quite lucky miss Alex, sir is a very nice man, he keeps on coming to our hospitals frequently for donations." the nurse informed. slowly lifting my legs and placing them on the ground. Holding on to my arm and placing it above her shoulders as she struggles and manages to fit me well onto the seat, pulling out the safety belt and plugging it on the sides.

"Be safe, and get well soon." she spoke smilingly and closed the door.

" wasn't a nurse supposed to come along with us? " I thought to myself, as I watched the nurse who escorted me walking away and getting back into the hospital hallway.

I looked around the car, observing how well and neatly it was maintained as I waited for Arthur's return. My eyes traveled all the way to the rear mirror exposing my face and scars that were in the process of healing.

Touching my face as i look through the mirror observing each and every part of my bruised skin,  gradually ending up into deep thoughts,when Arthur got into the car, bringing me back to the moment. He sat, tired-eyes, and slumped over his Car seat, driving off.

"I thought the doctor asked for a nurse to be taken along with us?"  I asked curiously.

"Yes, I had a small misunderstanding with the receptionist. I'll send the driver to pick one up."

How he spoke, could define his tiredness and exhaustion. He was awake a long time in the dark, thinking and not thinking, in that barren state which is not sleep, nor yet full wakefulness, which is a painful strain.

Fifteen minutes later, we finally reached over to a huge black door that opened wide after the camera that was attached on the side of the wall scanned his car, leading to a huge open driveway with a large pool right opposite the house, placed with matching glass table and chairs. Well trimmed garden with all sorts of coloured flowers and roses.

Water from the pool formed reflection on the entrance of the glass doors and windows making it look elegant and breathtaking. He moved his car slowly parking it at the back side of the house as he opened the door to his side, stepping out and opening the door as he slowly carries me and takes me inside.

Automatic sensor door opens as he walked past the door heading towards the stairs to the room that was located on the first floor.
Polished wood floors and a graceful banister that curved up toward a soaring second floor gallery.

Reaching towards the room and opening the door as I was in his arms. Looking around the room as he gently places me on the bed. "Take some rest. In case of emergency, ring on the bell besides you."

"Sure, thank you."

Being bedridden wasn't something I liked. It was the worst feeling ever. Now that I could somehow manage to walk. "Enough of being at one place. I need to get out and walk a bit." I thought as I slowly pushed myself out of the bed and holding on to the wall, making my way towards the door and walking out heading to the staircases.

I walked slowly making sure that I made no sounds that would alert Arthur about my whereabouts. Successfully managing to get down and heading out to the poolside, when Arthur sees me from the Lobby and rushes out with a mixture of furious and caring looks.

"Are you okay?" He asked as he held on to my hands.

"Yes, I needed to walk around."

"No Alex, you were supposed to rest. Not walking around when you aren't stable enough.!!!"

"I understand, and I'm sorry about that but I've had enough of being in one place."

" could have at least informed me, or rang the bell."

"I am fine now! I can walk."

"Enough Alex! I really don't want to get mad at you...not at this hour."

"What's there in getting mad at me?."

"You aren't asking for an explanation right now is it?"

"No, I have nothing to argue about."

"Cathy! Kindly come over and take ma'am to her room." calling out to one of the house servants.

Feeling angry and hurt, as I made my way back to the room requesting Cathy to close the door on her way out. I tucked myself under the blanket and went off to sleep.

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