Chapter: 2

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Continuous knocking on the door woke Alex up from her dreadful sleep whilst still having her granny on her laps. She carefully places her head back to the floor, and heads towards the door.

Her eyes were puffy from crying, she couldn't stop crying since last night. She was dehydrated, and sore. Sobs raked her body, no one should be able to cry that hard. She hadn't even cried that hard when her parents had died.

Knocking on the door gets intense as she pulls herself up from the ground feeling heavy as if a metal rod was placed on her shoulders. Each step taken towards the door felt like a paralysed struggler.

Her hands trembled as she held the doorknob opening it. A slight cracky voice echoes as the door opened. The sunlight beamed through the wide open door, presenting the morning sun against her pale yellow face making it hard for her to see the person standing at the doorstep.

She felt a sudden harsh pain as her pulse both in her throat and under the grip of that hand on the forearm pulsate, while she was thrown hard on the ground and atrociously dragged by her long silky blonde hair out of the house.

Eyes wide with horror as she screamed out loud and kicking her legs widely. Her fists clenched with blenched knuckles and the nails digging deeply into the wooden floor as her eyes were glued on to her granny's lifeless body.

"no! Let go of me." screeched Alexandra, when she finally saw a tall fierce looking man, who was none other than the village head. His wide red piercing eyes firmly set on her as a thin layer of sweat jolted down from his timeworn wrinkled face.

"get out of this village you heinous little witch!! Your good for nothing father died drowning this village in debt. You were merely nothing but a burden on this land and now your house will be a means of paying off your father's debts" yelled the headsman. "

Sobbing, as she stood helpless in front of the entire village knowing that whatever the headsman spoke about her dad was white lie. Her eyes filled with rage as she clenched her hands into a firm fist as she spoke in anger

"my dad would never do so!! We all know that he was innocent." the veins around her neck popped visible as she strained to speak.

"he was a greedy man! Who build his house with our hard earned money. Throw her out of this village, before calamity befalls on us again!" protested a woman from the crowd.

Everyone screamed walking towards Alex to oust her from the village when she screeched in pain, barely holding herself together. Her legs felt weak like a new born calf. "ENOUGH!! I will leave, only after my granny's final rituals are completed." said Alexandra

"bury your cursed up old hag outside the village. She has been a curse to us and so were your dead parents." argued the villagers when one of the village guard caught hold of the granny's hand dragging her from the house all way to an open ground under the old oak tree where Alexandra stood.

The sadness flowed through her veins and deadened her mind when she saw the state her granny was brought forward to. It was a poison to her spirit, dulling her killing off her other emotions until it was the only one that remained.

It was as if a black mist had settled upon her and refused to shift, and no matter how bright the day was she would feel no sun and hear no birds sing. For the world was lost to her and she knew of nothing that would bring it back into focus.

Holding on to her granny, Hugging her tight as she looked around seeking for assistance, but it all fell on deaf ears. Few hours later, she somehow managed to slowly take her granny's corpse and Bury it few kilometers away from the village.

She looked around and noticed a never ending, twisting, curving path of dark stoned ground covered by a silver sheen of a dust like material that was displaced with every step she took, causing small bursts of liter blue sparks.

After staying there for sometime she composed herself thinking its better to be alone in this cruel world at this moment and started moving back with the hope that she might get any hint about the surrounding. After walking for half an hour when she didn’t get any hint, the little ray of hope too started fading and also the dusk was turning darker.

She closed her eyes and recalled what her father use to tell her “it is more cruel to always fear death than it is to die, the person who is constantly in fear is every day condemned .”

As much as she tried to hold it in, the pain came out like an uproar from her throat in the form of a silent scream. The beads of water started falling down one after another, without a sign of stopping.

She hit the ground and tried to scream, but her voice was melted by the sound of the place. The muffled sobs wracked against her chest. The world turned into a blur, and so did all the sounds. The taste. The smell.

Everything was gone. The last painful emotion slammed against her before she lost the feeling of feeling. Everything darkened into nothingness as she passed into the oblivion of unconsciousness.

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