The party

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"Yes Johnny... I'll clean my room" Tee growled as she stormed past me in the hall.

"Woah what was that?" I asked Johnny who had stopped in front off me.

"None of your business" He snapped back, his voice angry.

"Johnny... there's only a few hours until the party, do you think that it's fair to force Tee to tidy?"

"JUST SHUT UP" Johnny screamed in reply and stormed off. Wow. I held my hands in the air as if to say 'okaaay' even though no one could see me and walked towards Rick's room to apologise for not seeing him the night before. To be honest I was kind of glad I spent the night with Faith. Within that one night it had made us really close.

"Hey Rick, can I come in?" I called as I knocked on his door. There was no reply but I knew he was in his room because he had his music playing. I sighed and just walked in.

"Oh come in then" He commented sarcastically "Thought you'd be with your best friend" He turned to face me, I was leaning against the wall.

"What is your problem?! I wanted to get know my new roommate and now you hate me. What the hell?!" I shouted back at him, getting annoyed.

"I was looking forward to it Amelia. It was the first time we had alone. But my girlfriend wanted to be with someone she had only just met!" He raised his voice which surprised me because I had never heard him raise his voice.

"A good boyfriend wouldn't mind" My statement left him shocked as I left his room, Tears starting to fall. Did that really just happen?

I ran into Tee's room who was busy tidying as ordered by her brother Johnny.

"What's wrong?!" She gasped as she stopped cleaning and ran to my side. I explained everything.

"He was being a jerk" Tee stated at the end of my rant making me giggle "Tell you what, when I've finished tidying we can get ready together"

"Yeah. But why not leave cleaning for tomorrow? Be naughty for a change" I winked and a smirk appeared on Tee's face.

"I do feel like being naughty for a change. Lets get ready" She squeled.

"You sure I look alright?" I asked, examining my outfit, hair and makeup in the mirror. Tee did my makeup;

-Mascara and eyeliner

- Foundation and blusher

- Pink lipstick

- Pink eyeshadow

and I did hers basically the same but without any eyeliner. For my hair I put it in a high messy bun with a couple loose bits hanging down which I curled and Tee left hers down but put pink streaks in using hair crayons. For our outfits Tee was wearing a pink dress which was knee-length and had straps. I was wearing a pink dress too which ended just above my knees and didn't have straps.

"It's time" I pointed out, looking at my watch "Let's go" we made our way downstairs to the living room where the main part of the party was. Mostly everyone were already gathered there, talking and laughing. Tee walked of to find Johnny just when the music started. The first song was 'We are never ever getting back together' by Taylor Swift. I looked around the room, wondering who to go and speak to. To be honest I wasn't completely in the mood, like I said I didn't like parties. I looked to the far end of the room and spotted Frank, Carmen and Faith... and Rick. Faith turned around and noticed me. She made a signal for me to go over there. But seeing as Rick was the there, I shook my head. The next thing I knew, Faith was dragging me over to the group.

"Im going to urm... go get a drink" Rick said awkwardly as soon as I got there. I watched him as he walked away from us.

"I'll go check on him" Faith smiled and followed Rick suit so I was just stood there with Carmen and Frank.

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