"come with me."

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****I just want to have an A/N at the start to say thank you cos it's already over 3k views and I never thought I'd get 1k so 2k more than I thought. Thank yoooouuuuuu

P.S I don't even know if that ^ made sense...****

The silence was unbearable. He didn't say anything whilst I was stood staring at the ground. Awkward. I convinced myself to look up to see wether he was still there or if he'd done a runner. He was still there.... looking at me.

"Forget I said that" I mumbled as he chuckled. We were both stood, in the rain, just looking at eachother.

"No. I won't forget you said that. I can't because that's what I've wanted to hear you say since the day we met. And now you finally say it and expect me to forget it. Dream on, Amelia." He moved even closer and started to un-peel the wet hair from my face. I gulped and looked in his eyes to see he was close to tears.

"Rick... do something for me? Please."

"What? Anything."

"Come with me." I blurted out. As soon as I said it, he just sort of went into slow motion. I know it sounds weird because it's not a film but his whole body just sort of slowed down; his breathing, his blinking and even him getting the hair out of my face.

"What, where?"

"I don't know. But let's run. Come on, please!" He was in shock. To be honest, I don't blame him. I know the whole idea sounds crazy but it'd give him what he wanted; it'd be just me and him, away from Johnny.

"Amelia are you loosing your mind?! You seriously want me to run away with you, just us two, no adults or money?"

"Yes. Come on, you said you want it to be just us two together, away from Johnny, and it will be. We'll be alone, with no one interupting us. We'll find some where to set up a den or something, we can get jobs like Frank did, we'll make it work. What do you say?" I was starting to get hopeful as I could see Rick was thinking. It all sounds a bit extreme just to get away from Johnny, but it's what I felt like I needed.

"Wait, I have an idea! My Dad! I could call him and see if we could stay with him. He's only a twenty minute walk from here. I mean, I know I'm still here and not living with my Dad but that's because he doesn't feel ready to look after me. But if we try and persuade him - we can say we'll look after ourselves - maybe he'll be okay with it. Shall I try?" Both of us were hopeful, it was clear. But to be honest I was worried. I know it was my idea but I couldn't help think 'what if it goes wrong?' 'what if we can't go to Rick's Dad's, we'll have no where to go!'

"Yeah. Ring him now, I'll wait out here for you."

"No Amelia, come with me to ring him. You'll need to get some stuff anyway. Wait how are we going to sneak out? Oh we'll find a way, don't worry. Let's go then, we'll stay away from Johnny. I'm sure he's in his room now away." Before I could reply, I was being pulled towards the back door by Rick. We looked through the window, making sure we were okay to go in. It was empty. Rick quietly opened the door, allowing us to sneak in. I was praying to God that no one would see us, I was desperate to run away. Even if Rick's Dad wouldn't let us go to his, I'd still run away.

I know last time I ran away it didn't really work out well. It didnt work out well at all actually. I got beat up. But this time I wouldn't be on my own and we'd be going to a house. We wouldn't be outside in the freezing cold.

We tiptoed past the living room where it sounded like everyone was, and straight upstairs to Rick's room.

"Amelia keep gaurd, Okay?" So I did. I stood outside the door just incase anyone went into Rick's room. I listened in through the door to hear what Rick was saying to his Dad.

It took him a while to say anything and I was beginning to worry that his Dad wasn't going to pick up. I began praying that it'd all work out; Rick's Dad will agree, we can sneak off, and it'll be just me, Rick and his Dad sort of like a little family with no interruptions. But I knew that wasn't possible because if we did go to Rick's Dad's, Mike and May-Li would call the police when they realised we were missing. Even if it was just for two days, I needed to get away from The Dumping ground.

"Hello? Dad it's me, Ricardo. Yes, I'm ringing off my mobile. I need a favour. No nothing big... okay it's kind of big. Basically can me and my Girlfrie- friend, come and stay with you for a few days? No Mike and May-Li don't know, so don't tell them. We're running away. Please Dad. Okay... yeah... Well we'll look after ourselves. Look Dad I know that, but after a couple of Days we'll go back to the dumping ground - we just need a break. The dumping ground is what we call the care home. Really? Okay, I'll tell Amelia. Cheers Dad, seeya."

He'll tell me what? And why did he nearly call me his girlfriend? The door opened, revealing Rick who had a massive smile spread across his face.

"So... what did he say?"

"Basically... wait come in so no one hears," he gently grabbed my arm, pulling me into his room. " He's expecting us in an hour. He said we should pack some stuff, but we need to be back here in two days so Mike and May-Li know we're safe. He says we can have a break at his and that's it because he doesn't want us in too much trouble."

"That's great, right? Wait why can't we tell Mike and May-Li that we're just going to see your Dad? It'll be easier."

"No it wont, they'll have to do papers and stuff.. or will they? Maybe we should ask and then if they say no, we can sneak out anyway. Come on let's ask."

"Wait! Rick... why did you nearly call me your girlfriend when you were speaking to your Dad?"

"I-I didn't," he awkwardly scratched the back of his neck. I raised my eyebrow and waited for the truth. "Okay fine. I don't know to be honest, it was an instinct."

"Was it also a wish?" I asked, secretly hopeful. I could see him getting more nervous by the second.

"No... mayb- yes." He was wishing I was his girlfriend. Rick Barber actually wished we were together. So did I to be honest. Before either of us could speak, I pulled Rick towards me and gently kissed him. It was the best feeling ever. I was finally doing what I had been waiting to do for weeks. It took him a while to respond, but once he did, his arms snaked around my waist, closing any gaps between us. But the moment was ruined when we heard the bedroom door open. Oops.

"They're in here!" Tee rushed in, calling to Mike and May-Li. I could've killed her for ruining it. I was joking, calm down. Before we knew it, everyone was bundled at the door. Thankfully we managed to pull away from eachother before anyone but Tee saw.

"Where on Earth were you two?! What were you playing at?! And why are you soaked?!" Mike was in that panicky-question mode that he seemed to be in quite often.I looked at the door frame to see no one had budged. Everyone was still staring and watching, Johnny even looked slightly cross for some reason.

"Enjoying the show?! Like what you're seeing? Or are you just being nosey? GO AWAY!" It might seem dramatic what I shouted, but it seemed to work. Everyone but Tee, Johnny and Tyler left.

"You two," Mike pointed at me and Rick, "Talk!"

"Woah, woah, woah, we were only in the garden. Geez." I started getting sassy. What? I get sassy when im annoyed. Everyone does, right?..

"Office! Now!" Mike ordered. Rick groaned as he started making his way out of the bedroom towards the office. Tee and Tyler moved out of the way, but Johnny, Johnny just walked right infront of me and stopped so I couldn't get past.

"Move, idiot. " It was happening again. He wasn't letting me past, just like he did on the stairs, the time I told you about not long ago.

"You pick. Either me... or Rick. Don't keep playing games, Amelia." I was hoping someone heard, but seeing as no one said anything or reacted, I guessed they didn't.

The dumping ground - life as a care kid *COMPLETE*Where stories live. Discover now