Goodbye, The dumping ground.

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It was the day.

The day our life would change. We were actually leaving the dumping ground.

"It's going to be so strange... quite scary actually," Faith said, deep in thought, sat on the sofa opposite me, Rick and Tyler.

"Ha, No, it's going to be better," Elektra laughed.

"Right, you horrible lot," Mike joked, walking into the living room where we were all sat together, for the last time, "To the ones leaving; transport is coming at 2pm and will be taking you all to wherever you have been placed. Make sure you're all packed, you haven't got long." I looked at the clock. 11am. 3 more hours of being in elm tree house . I packed the night before in advance, so did everyone else except our phones or ipods of course, of which Johnny was currently glued to.

"Dammit!" Johnny shouted, grabbing all of our attention.

"What?" Tee asked.

"Huh?" Johnny looked up from his iPod, confused at what Tee was asking about.

"You said 'Dammit,' what to?" I explained.

"Oh, I died on flappy birds.." It all went silent for a few seconds until we all burst out laughing. "It was a big deal, I got to 20," he laughed.

"My high score is 7," I said, making everyone laugh.

"Mines 98," Carmen piped up proudly.

"Yeah, only 'cause I got that score for you, " Lily stated.

"Yeah, Yeah, whatever."

"I'm going to go and make sure I've got everything," Rick mumbled, getting up off the sofa. Me and Tyler looked at each other as if to say 'He's in a mood about something.' I got up and followed him to his room.

"What's wrong?" I asked, wrapping my arms around his waist as he searched through his suitcase.

"Nothing," he said Bluntly.

"Rick snap out of it. Sooner or later, you're going to be a fully mature adult, looking back at your care-home-spent teenage life, regretting not patching things up with Johnny and leaving in a strop. This is our last three hours here and then we're going to be on our own, probably at first struggling with money, so lets at least try to enjoy our life in Elm tree house while it lasts." He froze.

"You sounded so sophisticated," Rick laughed, turning around to face me, my arms still around his waist.

I joked, "I am sophisticated," earning another laugh from him. "But seriously, what's wrong? And don't you dare say 'nothing,' because I know there's something." 

He sighed. "No, it's just Johnny. It's like he nearly drowns me, nearly tears us apart and bullies you but as soon as he decides to apologize, it's like it never happened and we should just forgive him. I'm sorry but you forgive him if you want, I'm just not going to." 

"Look, I'm still mad at him  - honestly, but It's our last day, I just want to make peace instead of having an on-going war. Of course I haven't forgiven him, it's just easier Okay?" 

"Okay good because I started worrying again about losing you. I know that makes me sound pathetic, but like I told you awhile ago, I worry," He sighed.  

"You don't need to worry, I promise." 


The transport came, giving us a short time to say our goodbyes. Everyone lined up outside, waiting for each of us leavers to say goodbye to everyone individually. We went in an order; Rick, me, Faith, Johnny, Liam and Elektra. We went along the line, saying upsetting goodbyes to everyone. It was harder than I thought, especially saying goodbye to Tyler, Harry and Tee and to be honest, it was heartbreaking having to witness Johnny and Tee being separated. We all got into our individual taxis, Liam upset to leave Frank, Johnny having to be pulled away from Tee, Elektra actually struggling to say goodbye to Carmen, me having to reassure Rick that his and Tyler's friendship would be fine and Faith looking absolutely fine. That's what got me about Faith, she was more upset saying goodbye to Rick than to anyone else and her new placement was only down the road from mine and Rick's. She was leaving what seemed to be her unrelated family, but was more concentrated on someone that was going to be only a road away. 

"Why do you think Faith is more interested in me than everyone else? It's a bit strange," Rick said, putting on his seat belt. 

"I don't know and to be honest I don't want to know," I sighed, putting on my own seat belt, watching out the window as Mike had to hug Harry, who was in tears. 

"Why not?" 

"Because she likes you Rick, It's obvious."

Rick didn't say anything for a while, until he spoke up, "I don't think she does. I think she just thought of me as a closer friend than I did." 

"No, she thought of you as her romantic interest," I said, mimicking a posh voice at the words 'romantic interest.' 

Rick laughed, "No, she knows I like you, why would she be so dumb as to think that I liked her? No offence to her or anything." 

"Well.." I thought about bringing up the kiss, but I didn't want to cause an argument. 

"Are you seriously bringing up the kiss? Amelia that was in the past and as far as I'm concerned, we had both moved on from it," he huffed, resting his head on the window. 

"Well sorry Rick, but if any reason, that  would be the reason why Faith would think you like her." He didn't say anything and to be honest I was glad, because I didn't want to get into an argument, I was more focused on leaving our home and starting our new life as adults. I was terrified, but I knew we could deal with it. In the dumping ground they prepared you for things that you would encounter in every day life as an adult, things like; cooking, cleaning, washing dishes, ironing, how to use a washing machine, stuff like that. I was ready for it. I was ready to be an adult. 


The dumping ground - life as a care kid *COMPLETE*Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora