swimming disaster

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"Shall we go and have a break?" Tee suggested as we swam over to the steps of the pool after hours of swimming and splashing.

"Yeah" Faith smiled as we all got out of the pool, leaving the boys still swimming. I walked to the chair that I was on before and started watching the boys.

Me and all the girls were sat for ages talking, mainly about celebrities and TV, but we were snapped out of our conversation when something really bad happened.

"Guys... is he drowning?" Elektra casually asked. I looked to where she was watching. Rick was under water, Johnny trying to get him up. I started panicking and before I knew it I was at the side of the pool, about to jump in.

"Amelia leave it. I'll go in. Keep calm" Mike called but I wasn't having any of it. I jumped into the water at the sound of the girls gasping. I swam over to where the boys were - in the deep end - and dived down, pulling Rick to the surface and over to the side of the pool where Mike dragged us both out.

"We'll take it from here. Thank you and well done" Gina congratulated me as Mike tried to get Rick conscious again. At that moment I suddenly felt like, for some reason, I would loose him. But it made me wonder, why did he start to drown in the first place? He was a really good swimmer, there's no way it would've been his fault. I turned around to face the group of boys who were watching from inside the pool.

"What the hell happened?" I asked them, my voice shaking but I tried to keep calm. They all pointed to Johnny.

"Johnny held him under" Liam pointed out. I don't know what came over me but I slipped into the pool and basically pounced on Johnny before anyone could stop me. I was just about to hold him under the water, like he did to Rick, when someone pulled me off him. It was Liam.

"This is all your fault. I hope you're happy" I screamed at Johnny whilst being pulled back by Liam. The next thing I remember after that was waiting in the hospital, waiting to see if Rick had gained consciousness.

"How is he?" I got up quickly as Mike came down the hall.

"He's awake, you're okay to go and see him for a few minutes" Mike warmly smiled as he led me to Rick's hospital ward. I walked in and sat beside his bed, Mike leaving us alone.

"Hey" I said quietly, nearly a whisper. He looked so weak and it was killing me.

"Hey" he managed to say as I reached for his hand "s-stay away from him"

"Stay away from who?" I asked as he turned his head to face me. What was he on about? I guessed it was about Johnny.

"Johnny likes you" he choked out.

"What?! Since when? Are you sure? Maybe you've got it wrong" I rambled on, not even giving him the chance to speak.

"Amelia... he told me and I had a go at him, telling him to stay away and that's when he held me down" I couldn't believe it. I felt rage, anger and sadness flood over me. I thought Johnny was my friend but obviously not if he would do that to my boyfriend. I felt the urge to run out into the hallway of the hospital, where the rest of elm tree house was sat waiting, and pounce on Johnny like I did in the pool. Obviously I wouldn't seriously hurt him but he could've killed Rick and I felt he needed to be taught a lesson. But we were In a hospital. That is no place to start a fight. I sat back, trying to keep calm in the uncomfy plastic chair. I always hated the chairs you got at the hospital or doctors. It's plastic. It's uncomfy. Why would you want to sit on THAT?

"What?! Johnny does not like me," I simply stated.

"He does, Amelia. He said he would get you to like him, I stuck up for you and he held me under until I lost my breath. I don't think he meant to make me loose my breath though." Rick replied. That was all I needed for the rage and anger to completely fill me. I got up off the chair and stormed into the hallway where all the girls were sat but I had no Idea where the boys were.

"Tee where on Earth is Johnny?" I shouted as I marched over, unsurprisingly earning a few stares but to be honest I didn't care.

"Why?" Tee stood up so she was my hight, I guess so she didn't feel intimidated or anything. Not that she should.

"Because he could've killed my boyfriend. It's not fair" I once again screamed, feeling Mike pull me away.

"What's going on?" I heard Frank ask. I looked up towards the voice to see all the boys walking towards us... including Johnny. I managed to slip out of Mike's gentle grip and run towards Johnny and that... that is when I got out of control. I started screaming in his face, hitting and punching him and then I threw him onto the floor only to be pulled away by a boy. But I didn't understand. All of the boys were infront of me and it definitely wasn't Mike seeing as he was helping Johnny up.

"You could've killed him Johnny! And all because you like me? You disgust me. I'll never like you" I growled.

"Amelia calm down right now!" Mike ordered, helping Johnny stand after I kicked him in the shin. What? I get protective and aggressive.

"Oh what, you love Rick do you? You love him so much? Well I'm sure you guys won't last" He smirked, trying to get a reaction off me which of corse he did.

"Shut up!"

"Amelia, calm down " a familiar voice whispered from behind me. It was whoever was holding me and to me, it sounded a lot like Rick. But how could it be? It's impossible. He was in such a bad state in his hospital bed. I turned around to see that my guess was right. Rick had gotten up out of the hospital bed and came to stop me.

"Why aren't you in your bed?" I asked as I hugged him. I could hear Mike and Tee having a go at Johnny for holding Rick under. Ha, good. He deserves to be punished for what he did.

"Because when you left the room, I knew where you were going so I came to hold you back. Don't listen to what Johnny said" He mumbled against my hair. I instantly knew what he was on about. The part where Johnny said we wouldn't last and all that. Well Johnny had no idea how wrong that was.

"I know. Right.. back to bed" And without giving Rick a second to reply or protest, I dragged him back into his room.

"Stay with me for a bit? " He asked as he climbed back into the hospital bed. I nodded and sat back on that uncomfortable plastic hospital chair.


"I think everything is packed. I have no Idea to be honest though," I zipped up Rick's suitcase, getting ready to go back to the dumping ground after two days of Rick being held in hospital under observation. I was so ready to leave. You have no idea.

"Okay. Shall we go in to the hallway then? Just try not to kill Johnny" Rick chuckled as he pulled his suitcase off the hospital bed.

"I'll try" Even the conversation with Rick was getting me stressed. Johnny could've killed Rick but his only punishment was that he was grounded for a week. How is that fair? Me and Tee weren't as close either seeing as her brother tried to drown my boyfriend and she was annoyed that I hit Johnny. Yeah... Tee wasn't happy at all. But we still spoke. I guess we had to, we lived together.

"You nearly ready?" Mike asked as he popped his head in the door. I nodded and pulled Rick's suitcase behind me, so that he wouldn't have to put up with it occasionally hitting the back of his heel. That always happpened to me, you're just walking along and then it just hits the back off your heel and scrapes the skin. Ouch. Rick tried to argue, tried to take the suitcase off me but I wouldn't let him. We made it to the minivan, everyone in their pairs sat down, leaving two seats at the back for me and Rick. I got a glare from Johnny on my way to the back. Ha, childish. He needed to grow up a bit. But of corse, being me, I glared back.

The ride home went quicker than the one on the way there, but that's probably because I was either talking to Rick or listening to Charlie Brown, The Vamps and Lawson. I couldn't wait to get back. But that meant being in an even smaller building with Johnny. I knew I had to keep my anger under control.

***** Short chapter again. Sorry but I had school eg but I really wanted to update haha. Thank you for 400+ views. I got 50 views in one night! *****

Monday 27 Jan 2014 -- Guys I literally updated this last night and I've already gained 100 views. I can't even believe it haha thanks! xx

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