'I had no idea'

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hey guys, it's been a few years since I wrote this (I'm still getting a lot of notifications from it so thank you so much!) but I just read part of this chapter again and realised there's content related to eating & body image. I'm so sorry there wasn't a warning beforehand. I think I was roughly 14 at the time so didn't properly understand. Hope you're all well!


"Told you we'd win" I smirked, high-fiving Rick and Johnny as me and the boys walked back into the kitchen after a long, tiring game of competitive football; Me, Rick and Johnny against Liam and Frank. Yeah the teams were uneven but Liam insisted that they didn't need another player because they were going to win. Well that backfired.

"Well we only had two players against three" Liam complained as he chucked the football into the toy cupboard, where it belonged.

"Uh you're the one who said you didn't need another player because you were 'going to win,' I could've easily have been a referee and then the teams would've been even. But no, you said you were fine two against three" I pointed out as we all sat around the dining table - Liam opposite me.

"Okay fine, I made a mistake. But to be fair you've had more practice than me" Liam stated.  The others just looked at me confused.

"I was in a girls football team and tackled the football off three girls and scored three times in one match" I explained "But you're a boy,  you always play and practice."

"Ha, yeah right. I don't need to practice" Liam smirked, Frank, Johnny and Rick just sat listening, silent.

"Mate, I've beaten you twice now, I think ya do," I chuckled. I always called him 'mate,' I was like one of the guys and they liked me calling them 'mate.'

"B-but... It's not over Amy" he glared playfully and walked out of the room, shortly followed by Frank.

"Never knew you had so much practice" Johnny piped up.

"Yep" I shortly replied as I looked out of the window and into the garden.

"So you like football then?" He asked again.

"Yeah, quite boyish,  I know but quite a lot of people say I'm a tomboy so I guess that's why" I smiled, thinking of all the stuff I liked; mainly boyish stuff but a few girly stuff; makeup and one direction for example.

"Cool, quite a lot in common then" Johnny smiled and got up out of his seat "Seeya later guys" he waved and left the room, leaving just me and Rick.

"I don't want you getting too close to Johnny" Rick mumbled bluntly. Wait what?  Why?

"Why not?" I asked, raising an eyebrow and turning to face Rick who was seated to my right.

"He was flirting. Just then, about having a lot in common. I don't like it, I get really protective and I don't want him to take you away" He explained, confusing me. Was Johnny really flirting? And why would he take me away from Rick, I wouldn't let that happen. But why did I feel like Rick wasn't saying everything that was on his mind?

"Rick... one, he wasn't flirting. We're just good friends. And two... He wouldn't - can't - take me away from you. You know that" I turned back to the way I was, the normal way, but held his hands which were clamped together in the middle of the table and put my head on his shoulder.

"He was  I don't like it  Please, listen" He sighed. Listen to what though?  That was when I knew he wasn't telling me everything. It made me begin to think I didn't know everything about Johnny. Maybe Rick knew something bad about Johnny.

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