leaving for the weekend

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"Right, I think that's tidy. Will Johnny be okay with this? " I asked as I stepped back, looking around Tee's now-tidy room. It had taken us only twenty minutes to clean it because it was quite clean already.

"Yep. Thank you" She smiled as she sat back on her bed.

"So um, why does Johnny always clean and force you to?" I asked as I joined her on her bed, watching her do sewing. Was it sewing or stitching? I can't tell the difference between them honestly.

"Because our step dad always made a fuss and if we weren't tidy he would hit Johnny. So Johnny has sort of gotten in to the habbit" Tee explained, not taking her gaze off her work.

"Oh right. Well I need to go. Bye, Tee" I got up off her bed, wondering if there was anything that could be done to help Johnny. I was about to go into my room when Gina called.

"House meeting!" We all made our way to the kitchen, where house meetings always were.

"Alright Gang, listen up" Mike called as we turned our attention towards him "We.... have managed to book us a holiday!" Everyone smiled "We will be going tomorrow - Friday - evening and coming back Sunday evening. It's an hour and a half drive from here."

"I bet it's somewhere boring. 'Oh look at these magnificent paintings that were done a year ago which people have made an over the top fuss about'" Elektra sighed, imitating posh people looking at old paintings and I must admit, it was funny.

"No actually. It has a pool, game room AND bowling alley" Gina added, again everyone smiled.

"Can Jeff come? " Harry piped up. Aw.

"Of corse Harry" Mike smiled back.

It was Friday afternoon and I had just finished packing when there was a knock at my door. I finally managed to zip up my suitcase after about three quaters of an hour attempting to get it shut. Finally!

"Come in" I groaned as I flopped back onto my suitcase. It wasn't comfortable at all, there was something pointy in there and it was prodding into my back. Ouch. I know, I know, packing isn't 'that hard.' Well it is when you loose your phone and look for it for an hour but then find it under your bed, take ages to pick out outfits, forget what you need to pack, realise you've forgotten your swimming costume so go on a hunt for it around the whole house, finally finish but take forever deciding if you've packed the right stuff and then can't shut your suitcase for nearly an hour, it can get very exhausting!

"Oh hey Harry, hi Jeff" I smiled as I managed to lift my head up to see who had walked in.

"Amelia? Will Jeff get hurt on holiday?" Harry sweetly asked as he walked over to me, Jeff in his left hand covered in bandages to avoid any cuts or anything I guess.

"No Harry, of corse he won't. Anyway I'll be there" I reassured Harry and smoothed Jeff's head.

"Thank you" Harry chirped and then ran off. Right, now time to get my giant suitcase down the stairs...

"Who's ready for a holiday? Let's go!" Mike cheered as we all walked out of the front door and towards the minibus.

We all took our seats;

- Tee and Jody

- Lily and Carmen

- Liam and Frank

- Floss and Harry

- Faith and Elektra

- Rick and Tyler

- me and Johnny - we wanted to sit together for a change, but I don't know if Rick is pleased- and the bus started up.

It was a journey that felt like it when on forever. Half way through the journey and I was already bored. I sighed and pulled my earphones out of my ears, looking around the minibus. Floss was playing with Jeff whilst Harry was asleep, Elektra and Faith were listening to music, Tee and Jody were on their ipods, Lily and Carmen were both reading, Liam and Frank were playing 'sweet and sour,' and Rick and Tyler? Well Tyler was just looking out the window whereas Rick... caught my gaze. He was already looking my way and he didn't look too please. I looked at him apologetically and flumped back down onto my seat, pulling out my phone and searching Rick's contact.

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