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"Johnny, the question is; do you really think bullying will make any of this better? Because it won't." Pleased with what I said, I stood up so I was as tall as him, to show that I wasn't afraid. I'd had enough of being scared or pushed around by Johnny, it was going to stop. He looked surprised and started stuttering, trying to think of what to say. But what he didn't know was that as soon as he came into my room, I pressed the record button on my ipod.

"Shut up! Answer my question. Now!"

"Alright, I'll answer it. Yes, I think it will make things better because atleast Rick makes me happy, he doesn't bully me, he doesn't try to make me feel small. That's you. And as far as I'm concerned, being with someone who treats me right is better than being with someone that doesn't. So yes, it will make things better by picking Rick. Happy?" I smirked, able to see the shock wipe over his face.

"Excuse me?" He asked, annoyed.

"You heard me. Now please get out of my way so that I can go downstairs and tell Mike all about this conversation... actually I'll tell everyone. I think it's time they know the real you, don't you Johnny?"

"Amelia, they won't believe an immature, lying, sneaking little brat like you, will they? So just give up, it wont happen, no one will ever believe you."

"Oh Johnny, the thing is, they don't need to believe me, I have proof."

"Ha, yeah right. You don't have proof. If you're hoping someone can hear us, you're wrong. You're alone. Your beloved Rick is downstairs with everyone else, including Faith. I don't blame him though, I'm sure he'd pick Faith over you any day. Anyone would, even your parents." I must admit, that hurt when he brought my parents into it.

"Oh yeah? How about your parents? Where are they? Oh that's right, they didn't choose you. Guess I'm not the only one, Huh?" He stuttered again, shocked. I barged past him and ran downstairs, into the office where Mike and May-Li were.

"Amelia, knock." Mike groaned.

"Mike its important, listen to this!" I stopped my ipod recording and handed it to Mike. Just as it started playing, Johnny ran in behind me, confused, joined by Rick. The recording played, Mike's confusion turned to shock more and more as every second went by. I turned to face Johnny who was stood, panicking, with tears in his eyes. Rick also looked shocked, paying attention to every single word that was being played through the speakers of my ipod.

A long pause appeared when the recording came to an end.

Johnny piped up, "That - that's not real... Mike, she faked it." You could hear the worry and panick in his voice, as If his brain was screaming "we're doomed."

"How could she fake a recording? It is clear that this is real, and it finally shows what a bully and a fake you are," Rick said through gritted teeth, looking like he was about to punch a wall.

"Johnny?" Tee's small voice appeared behind him, "What was that?"

"That was your brother bullying Amelia," Rick said. Tee looked in denial at first.

"Johnny how could you?!" Tee screamed.

"No... It's not real, this isn't fair, stop it," Johnny cried, running off in tears.

"Johnny!" Mike shouted after him, running out aswel.

"Amelia can I talk to you?" Rick asked, gently placing his hand on my wrist. I nodded and walked him out of the office and to my room.

"What's up?" I asked.

"The ceiling," he chuckled. I laughed and hit his arm playfully.

"I'm sorry, I should've know. If I had any idea that he was saying stuff like that, I would've made sure it stopped and I'm sorry." He looked so guilty for something that wasn't even his fault.

"Rick, it's fine, I could handle it anyway," I smiled, linking our fingers.

"But I could've - and should've - been there more. 'Could've' and 'should've' don't sound right in the same sentence, do they?"

"They really don't, " I laughed, his face lighting up, "But you were there for me, more than anyone has been, ever. Let's face it, you've been there more than my own parent's have. They were selfish, doing whatever they wanted, not even caring that their actions could put them in jail and leave me without a home. But you showed you cared. You easily could have just left me to deal with it, but honestly, even if you weren't physically there, I knew you were there for me." Wow, Soppiest thing I've ever said. "And believe me, it takes a lot for me to be soppy."

"You really mean it?"


"And you're glad you picked me?"

"Best decision ever." He smiled before leaning in and connecting our lips.


Johnny's punishment wasn't what I expected. I thought, at the most, that he would just be grounded for bit. But that wasn't what Mike and May-Li agreed.

Sure, he was grounded - for three weeks, but he also was banned from the garden for two weeks and had to apologise to me or he would be grounded for even longer. Best of all, he had to apologise infront of everyone. Within 10 minutes of being caught, everyone found out about what Johnny did. Everyone was so shocked and instantly changed their opinions on Johnny. I might sound harsh, but it was quite amusing actually seeing as he nearly made me loose Rick and now he had nearly lost everyone.

Everyone was sat in silence, waiting for Johnny to say one simple word; sorry. It didn't look like it would happen.

"What's wrong? Is little Johnny scared?" I teased, standing opposite Johnny in the living room whilst everyone was gathered on the sofa, waiting.

"Shut up!" Johnny snapped "I'm not scared, why would I be scared of a little girl like you?"

"Oh, I don't think you're scared of me. I think you're either scared of admitting you've been a bully or scared of the fact that everyone knows the real you." Silence.

"Johnny, say you're sorry." Mike ordered after a while.


"Now Johnny!"

"I'm sorry, Okay?!" He shouted, surprising everyone.

"Do not raise your voice young man., you're already in trouble, don't make it any worse. Office, now." Mike said, taking him to the office.

Johnny was finally being taken back a notch.

The dumping ground - life as a care kid *COMPLETE*जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें