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I hopped out of the van with Rick and Tee either side of me as everyone else went into the house.

"Rick, Tee wait outside my office if you want, I need to talk to Amelia." May-Li lead me in to her office and I knew what was coming. I was going to have to explain what happened as well as why I ran away. I started panicking - I didn't want to go in on my own with May-Li.

"Can Rick come in?" I asked as we got into the office and sat down. I had warmed up a lot in the van and felt completely healthy. I felt myself except for the images still stuck in my head. May-Li nodded and opened the door to let Rick in. Rick came in and instantly sat by my side. Why did I want Rick in there? Why did I feel more secure with Rick around? Was that normal seeing as we had fallen out and I had kissed Johnny? But all I could think about was how Rick saved me. If he didn't find me, I would've froze to death. The fact that he took his coat off to keep me warm just made me question how I actually felt about him.

"What's happened?" Rick asked, wondering why I wanted him in there.

"I think she just wants you in here for support, Rick. I'm not sure though to be honest. So Amelia... when you're ready, I need to know the truth about why you ran away and why you have bruises." May-Li looked at me warmly as Rick kissed my ear and whispered "don't worry, I'm here." Why was he doing this?! Why was he making me fall for him all over again?

"Well... I got upset with everything that was happening here; the Johnny thing and stuff between... us - " I looked awkwardly at Rick before carrying on "- and I felt guilty so I packed my stuff and left."

"Okay.. take your time if you need to Amy. So what happened once you left?"

"Well I ran, and ended up in the park... I sat down for a bit until a group of men in black coats came up to me and... well, held a knife to my side and took all my stuff before punching me and running away. It was only on my hands and face - the coat stopped them from bruising my stomach. Then they left me in the park so I got up and sat on the bench. And then Rick ran towards me, I panicked and ran, and then Elektra and Frank got me outside the park. After that, Rick sat with me and spoke to me which... helped.. and then gave me his coat until the minibus came." I was trying so hard not to cry. May-Li looked completely shocked and Rick's grip on my hand went sloppy. I could tell that wasn't what they were expecting and to be honest, I'm not surprised.

"So did you see any facial parts of the men?" May-Li asked quietly. I explained absolutely everything - what I saw, how long I was away for and what it felt like. May-Li rang the police, who started a search for the men which the description I gave them. The description of corse not being much - Just what coats, trousers and shoes they were wearing and how many of them there were.


I woke up and got out of bed in an unfamiliar room, it looked like my old home - my home that I lived in with my parents before. I sighed, confused, and got out of bed, stretching before walking over to my mirror. When I looked in the mirror, I was completely shocked. I was young; seven maybe. I looked completely how I remember looking the day my parents got arrested. Suddenly there was flashing lights outside my bedroom window, accompanied by a loud noise. I walked over to my window, peeling back the curtains to reveal a police car and women. The women were pulling someone into the car; someone who looked a lot like Mum and Dad. I started getting really confused. Why were these people taking my Mum and Dad away? Before I could react, a lady dressed smartly bursted into my room. I started crying and screaming and before I knew it, I woke up. I had had a nightmare, one about my parents. I looked around, making sure I was no longer in a nightmare. I was on the sofa in the living room of Elm tree house.

"Woah, Amelia what's wrong?" I was lying on someone's chest. Someone in a plaid shirt. Rick? No... it couldn't be. I couldn't have fallen asleep on my ex's chest. No way... right? Nope I was right: It was Rick.

"Y-yeah I just had a bad dream. I'm fine. What time is it?"

"It 's nine AM, you've been in a deep sleep for twelve hours." I rested my head back down on Rick's chest. I mean what could the harm be? I had been asleep like that for twelve hours, ten more minutes shouldn't hurt.

"Wait.. you've been lying like this with me on your chest for twelve hours? All night?" There's no way he could've. Why would he?

"Yeah. Oh by the way, Johnny is on his way home, and I have promised I won't argue with him so don't worry." He started twirling my hair with his fingers, just how he knew I liked it. It relaxed me, my Mum used to do it when I was little, it helped me relax or go to sleep. I hated Rick at that point and not in a mean way, in a sort of good way. I hated him because I was falling for him again and I didn't want to. I mean obviously I wanted to fall for him again otherwise I wouldn't have been falling for him, but it was all too confusing, I didn't want to make it more complicated, I mean Johnny still probably thought I liked him which I had worked out that I didn't.

"Rick? Why did you do all this?"

"All what?" I lifted my head up to look at him.

"Well for starters you saved me and then you kissed my ear and then let me fall asleep on you all night. I just didn't expect it." He looked confused as soon as I said that. What was he expecting? For me to find it completely normal? Because I didn't. I didn't find it normal. We broke up, the least I thought he would do is ignore me.

"It's what you do for a mate." He tried to be casual but let's put it this way; he wasn't the best actor to walk the planet.

"Rick... that's not something you do for someone who's just a mate. Anyway you said yesterday - in the park - that you still like me." Before he could reply, there was a burst of noise from the hallway.

Johnny was home.

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