make up or break up?

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"What are you doing here? Get out of my room!" I glared at Rick who unexpectedly just walked into my room. I really didn't want to see him at that point. I gladly would've spent a day talking to a dog other than seeing him. Weird I know. But I would've.

"Amelia just hear me out. Please" He begged.

"What so you can just work your way out of the situation? No. If you think I'm going to forgive you just like that, you've got another thing coming for you" I stared as he sat down on the floor next to my bed "What are you doing on the floor?!"

"I know I know but please let me explain. And where else am I meant to sit?" He looked down and started to fiddle with his hands.

"Ugh fine but you better make it quick and it better be good"I gave in and sat back, my back leaning against the wall.

"Look, I honestly didn't know what I was doing, it just happened. I was really upset about us falling out and I wasn't thinking straight. I just needed to know someone was there for me... I really am sorry. Please give me another chance. Oh and I'm sorry for having a go at you about the other night. I understand why you wanted to get to know your roommate" Rick finally raised his head to look me in the eye and when he did I could almost swear I froze for a couple of seconds. I couldn't help it.

"But Rick Yo-you actually have no idea how much that hurt. I said to Faith that I still liked you - still do - and that I thought that-" I began but was interrupted by Rick.

"And that you thought we were still together. I know. I heard. And I don't know how much it hurt you, no. But I have a pretty good idea. It really hurt to see you cry and I knew I was that one that made you cry. I hated it" Rick finished but burst out into tears. Ugh why did he have to do that.

"Look, I'll think about it" I suggested, starting to cry too at the sight of seeing him cry.

"Really?" His face lit up a bit.

"I'll think about it. That doesn't mean that I'll give you another chance yet though" I pointed out, hoping that he would realise that.

"Y-yeah. Thank you" He forced a smile and stood up, straightening his shirt. In those seconds though, I couldn't help but wish we were still together and that it was easy to forgive him.

"Rick?" I asked quietly as he made his way to the door.

"Yeah?" He asked turning to face me, his face still stained with tears.

"Remember when us and the boys played football? And we made up after not speaking for days?" I began and he nodded straight away, "Well remember I told you about how I had trust issues with boys from the past and all that?" His face suddenly went very quilty "and you promised that I wouldn't loose you or have any problems with you?

"I broke my promise didn't I?" He sighed, realisation hitting him "Oh god, I'm really sorry, honestly. Please just think about it"

"I will" I couldn't stop myself, I just walked up to him and hugged him. Why?! I pulled away when I realised what I was doing and went and sat at my desk, ready to carry on my book.

"Um what are you reading?" Rick asked, walking over to the desk where I was.

"Jacqueline Wilson, Lily alone" I shortly said and opened my book on to page 148.

"You like Jacqueline Wilson? " He asked the obvious. If I didn't like her, would I really be reading her book?

"Ahuh" Why was he even asking?

"oh okay, I'm going now. Bye" and with that, I heard the door close and I was left on my own again, in my own silence. I couldn't read, I couldn't even concentrate, I was too lost in my thoughts. Thoughts about Rick. Me and Rick. If I should forgive him or not. Something in me was telling me not to forgive and forget, due to my trust issues and everything. But also part of me was saying 'Forgive him. He really likes you, idiot' and I didn't know which one to go with. There was like a war in my head and both sides were even, neither were winning my attention or belief. It was like I had absolutely no idea what to do, either forgive him or not. Make up or break up. It was harder than it sounds.

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