3. Moving On

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I USUALLY DIDN'T SEE SOFIA that often at school. Unless she was with Jenn, the Mailbox girl. And sadly for me, they seemed to be together very often lately. For some reason, Jenn had been acting like I was some kind of role-model whenever I was near her. She would look at me with big curious eyes and would agree on everything I said.

Sometimes I even wondered if she might have a crush on me.

Every time she saw me across a corridor, she would wave her hand until I came to see her. And most of the time, she was either with Sofia or Sofia's best friend, Olivia. None of which being people I wanted to see.

And of course, on this dreadful Monday morning, the last thing I wanted was to face Sofia. But guess who I collided into in the corridor? Jenn of course! And my ex-girlfriend was by her side.

I focused my gaze on Jenn, ignoring Sofia the best I could.

Last year, she had decided on growing a fro and now that it was at the perfect length, she looked more gorgeous than ever. It would have been easier to move on if she wasn't the cutest girl in the whole school.

"Hi, Jane!" Jenn said with her usual soft voice. "The prom was awesome on Saturday. You did a really good job."

I threw a lock of red hair behind my shoulder and acquiesced with a modest smile. Sofia frowned at this moment and I felt my confidence crumbling. What did I even do for her to resent me so much? To inspire so much disgust she had to frown at little things I did?

I ordered my Virgo brain to stop overthinking.

"Everyone did a good job." I answered, trying to focus on Jenn's joyful face. "It's all the force of the Student Council members combined that made prom what it was. I'm glad you enjoyed it."

"Yes, I really did!"

"Glad to hear it. Anyway, I'll have to get going." I interrupted, feeling like I wouldn't be able to stand Sofia's stare any longer. "It was nice talking to you."

As I walked past them, I crossed Sofia's eyes. There used to be a time when I surely didn't feel miserable by her side.


I managed to not meet Sofia again until Graduation. And then, I just saw her across the body of students as I gave my valedictorian speech. I took a mental picture of her face. It would be the last time I'd see her in my entire life. I wanted to remember what she looked like when I would meet the love of my life in college.

Leaving meant letting my first love go.

And I was ready to do so.


A/N: Ultra-short update everyone but don't worry! I'll be uploading another chapter tomorrow morning :) This is just like a transition chapter and it didn't really fit in any other longer chapter.

But most importantly, I couldn't resist including a Jenn cameo! Boy, do I miss this girl... Writing in Jane's POV is much more difficult than writing in Jenn's. (For all of you who haven't read the original book, Jenn is the main character in The Mailbox Girl ^^)

Anyway, thank you for reading this and even if it's short, please don't forget to vote and/or comment if you liked it! Seeing you interact with my stories always makes my day :D

Have a wonderful day guys and see you tomorrow for the next update ^__^

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