5. First Day (Part 1)

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Virgo ~ This month will be one of the most important months of the year for you. The eclipses are back, and these events are almost sure to bring changes, opportunities, enlightenment, and sudden need for adjustment.


WHAT A NEED FOR ADJUSTMENT INDEED, I thought as Sofia's alarm clock went off on the other side of the wall. I couldn't believe she still hadn't changed this annoying song after so long. When we had started dating, she already had it set as her alarm clock because it was supposedly the only song that could actually do the job of waking her up.

Her roommate probably hated her already for having to hear "Never Gonna Give You Up" first thing in the morning everyday. Whenever we used to have a sleepover, I would subtilize her phone and shut it off until morning, because of how mad this song made me.

And apparently I would have to here its faint version everyday through the wall. Which meant Sofia had probably picked the bed on my side. Knowing we slept less than a foot away from each other was even more infuriating.

Why did she choose Yale?

I resisted the urge to throw a kick into the wall as her alarm wouldn't go off and instead focused back on the horoscope I was checking on my phone. This was the first day of college today and astrology was well-needed to get me in a good mood. I had to know if this day would go well.

After I was done reading mine, I check Vanessa, Dad and Vanessa's mom's horoscopes. I would make sure to call Dad tonight as his horoscope predicted he would have a shitty day. Getting a call from his only daughter would probably make up for it.

I was about to lock my phone and get out of bed when I found myself scrolling down towards the Scorpio predictions. I closed my eyes. Did I really want to do this? Was checking Sofia's horoscope necessary? Answer to both of these questions were "no" but I still read it anyway.

Scorpio ~ September will be a highly social month just made for mixing and mingling, and making the acquaintance of new people who may have influence on your life. Any new person you meet will play a larger role than you would expect.

The screen turned black.

This was a bad idea. No matter how, I shouldn't get involved in anything related to Sofia. I had promised myself that I would forget the pain she had inflicted me, this year. This was a promise that shouldn't change despite her attending the same college as I did.

I would forget Sofia, and I would forget her by being the best version of myself I could!

No matter if it was only early September, I'd be taking resolutions right here and right now to pursue that goal. After all, wasn't the beginning of a school year as important as the New Year?

Resolution 1 would be: no thoughts about Sofia!

Resolution 2: keep your mind busy to help with Resolution 1.

More motivated than ever, I jumped out of my bed and went on to grab some exercise pants from my wardrobe. I had always been on the smarter side of spectrum so I'd prove it by accepting our break-up like any normal person. It was time!

After quickly changing in the dark, as Sam was still sound-asleep, I left the room, bursting with confidence. I couldn't wait to be the person I had strived to be since the break-up, someone who did not flinch at the mention of Sofia, someone who did not see Sofia in every objector furniture or location. My main focus in life would now be me, and only me.

I didn't deserve to suffer anymore.

Especially not at the hands of someone who did not provide any explanation as to why we had to break up. Neither at the hands of someone who kissed me only to say it was a mistake a minute later. Never at the hands of someone who thought I wasn't good enough.

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