15. Too Drunk

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According to science, there are four types of drunk people. Well, according to my personal experience at parties, there are many more than that. And it was proved once again that night as Anna and Elsa brought enough alcohol to challenge everyone level of drunkenness.

If I had thought that my dormmates were wasted last Saturday, I was totally wrong. Because tonight, they all brought the word to another level.

"Bitch, guess who I just met!" Ariel almost fell into my arms as she stumbled towards me. Surprisingly, she spoke just like Jasmine when she was a tad intoxicated.

"I have no idea." I replied while pushing a strand of rose hair away from her mouth."Who?"

I heard myself giggle at how off my pronunciation sounded.

Quick disclaimer, I was probably as intoxicated as anyone here. And I blamed Anna and Elsa for it. They had a tendency to go heavy on hard liquor in the cocktails they offered around.

My eyes fell on the cup in my hand.


Damn it, when had it happened?

"Are you listening?" Ariel shouted in my ear.

"Wow, why are you screaming? Yes, I am." As you can probably guess, I was not listening. But, I had a good excuse, my red cup was empty and I was suddenly really very thirsty.

"Just imagine, peeing next to Taylor Swift!" Why did Ariel have to speak so loudly? I'd be deaf by the end of the night if she didn't stop.

"What are you talking about?"

She raised her voice even more:

"I said, I peed next to Taylor Swift!"

"She's here?"

"Yes!" Ariel nodded furiously as I squinted my eyes. I might be drunk but I still had a hard time believing that a famous millionaire singer would drop by at college party. "I met her at the urinal."

Did I hear that right?

"A urinal? We're in a girl dorm, where did you find one?"

"Why are you acting so dumb?" Ariel burst in a laughing pit, bending in half at my reaction. Even if she just came back from the urinal, she might want to use it again, some voice in my head stated. "The urinal in the restroom. She was here and she was peeing as well and we talked."

"Taylor Swift uses the urinal?"

"I swear!" Her pink hair flew everywhere as she nodded like crazy one more time. "I asked her to sign my sweatshirt. Here, look!"

Ariel pulled on the bottom of her sweater, exposing a tiny black scrawl. I gasped. I had to get my shirt signed too!

"Oh, I want one. Where is she?"

My question was met with Ariel shaking her head.

"I don't know. I don't remember."

I pouted. Why did I have to be so unlucky? A millionaire singer was here and I had no idea where. This might be another sign of this cursing that affected me since I had stepped in college. Everything just had to be so... complicated.

But I could ask people! Yes, if I asked girls around where they had last seen Taylor Swift, I might find her. I could ask her to lend me money, so I could become president. She could even make Obama step down from his job so I could take his place. I was pretty sure Taylor Swift was powerful like that.

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