4. New Life

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I FOUND MYSELF CHECKING my horoscope on the morning of moving to my new dorm room at Yale. //cue Vanessa's screaming here//

Virgo ~ The universe is about to shower you with good fortune in many areas of your life. Last week you were being urged to prioritize your goals, as well as to let go of unproductive relationships and work projects that no longer fascinate you. This week you will find yourself at the right place at precisely the right time and you will be able to take full advantage of what is being offered.

I smiled in the backseat of the car as Dad and Vanessa's mom were driving us through campus. I could already imagine meeting some Alumni of the political science department, enabling me to develop my network list. Right after graduating, in four years, this Alumni would become my mentor and guide me through Washington DC political life.

Like the horoscope said, I would take full advantage of what was about to be offered to me.

"What's mine?"

I felt Vanessa leaning over my shoulder, eyeing my phone. I had found myself stuck with the whole family even though I had insisted on moving here alone.

How would I be able to persuade the whole Senate in a few years, when I wasn't even able to persuade my own family to let me go to college by myself?

"Aries: be the voice of reason in a trying situation, and you'll be a calming force on those freaked-out folks. Your hero status will grow as the day continues, and possibly even throughout the rest of the month."

"My hero status..." Vanessa repeated with a grin. "Did you hear that folks? I'm the voice of reason and you'll have to listen to me."

"Dream on." Her mom clapped back while lowering the sound of the radio. "Read mine, Jane, will you? I'm a Gemini."

"Your intellectual strengths are not fading, but nevertheless, you might start to wonder where all your smart went today. Everything everyone is saying is just so darned confusing! You're going to have multiple misunderstandings today, which will leave you awash in frustration."

Vanessa burst out laughing, hitting her mother's seat from behind.

"This is why you have to listen to me even more today. I'm the voice of reason!" She suddenly stopped in the middle of her talk to stick her face outside the window, patting my thigh to get my attention. "Oh my god, Jane! This is where you'll be living. It's so pretty!"

I tilted my head to get a better view at the dorm building.

Vanessa was right, the old brick facade was stunning. A whole lot of new students and their parents were already pressing in front of the doors, suitcases and boxes in hands.

Dad slowed down a few hundred feet away from the entry and I unbuckled my seat-belt as I pressed Vanessa to do the same. I wanted to be out of this car and breathe the air of my new home. The place I would be calling mine for four years.

As Vanessa and I made our way across the mob, I took a better look at the girls gathering here. Among them, there probably was my future roommate. I really hoped she would be as hardworking as me so we could bond over our common interest for knowledge and studies.

Then my eyes fell on the back of some girl with a fro. Her figure reminded me somewhat of Sofia and I blamed myself for thinking about her so often. I had to forget about her, for good.

This is when she turned around.

This week you will find yourself at the right place at precisely the right time. The horoscope words came back to mind at full speed.

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