11. Much Drama

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I WAS WALKING THROUGH CAMPUS on that Monday afternoon to my first ever drama class.

Professor Smith had been as upsetting today as the week before. No matter how much I'd have liked to ignore his advice and never attend a drama class, it was a good way to show him I was determined to pass his class.

The theatre was empty when I arrived earlier than the scheduled time and I sat down on a seat by the stage, taking my phone out to check my horoscope.

I hadn't found time to do so until now.

Virgo ~ As always, you like a place for everything and everything in its place. When you involve the inevitable messiness of other people, though, some disarray is bound to occur. Stay flexible, keep your sense of humor and enjoy the warmth that comes with the mess. The real meaning is in the connections among you, not having everything be perfect.

I pursed my lips. It was a thing I heard often in my horoscopes: don't try to make everything perfect, don't be so rigid, enjoy flaws and so on. It was easier said than done, though.

There was something intimidating about letting loose and not being in control of events. So much that I couldn't recall any pleasant event induced by chance.

It was not pleasant to have Demarcus accidentally hitting me in the chin.

It was not pleasant to have a homophobic roommate.

It was not pleasant to find out that Sofia attended the same college as I.

Everything was so much better when it was planned out and under control.

Spontaneity had never been appealing to me.


"Ladies and gentleman,boy and girls, I'm delighted to have you here today!" The drama teacher exclaimed after having every student climb up on stage around her. She was a middle-aged woman with curly blonde hair and non-existent eyebrows which gave her a dumbfounded look at all times."This is the first class of the year, the most important one. The one where you'll find out what acting really means."

I exchanged a few looks with my fellow classmates, the girls and the only boy. This class sure promised to be interesting with such a teacher.

"Anyway!" She exclaimed with a clear and distinct voice. "I am Professor Schulz but feel free to call me Renate. I've been teaching drama here for five years and-"

All heads turned towards the entrance. The main door had just creaked, cutting Renate half-sentence.

I froze.

There was no fucking way she was here.

See, taking about unplanned events! There were never pleasant.

Sofia didn't seem to notice me as she jogged up to the scene, excusing herself for being late. Well, she could also excuse herself for being here at all!

Why did she have to go wherever I went? Why did she have to be some kind of shadow that followed me around?

"Don't apologize,sweetie." Renate said and felt even more uneasy at the kindness of her tone. I would have liked it better if she scolded her and expelled her of her class for being late. Would have done me a favor. "Make yourself at ease, I was just introducing myself. I'm Renate."

"Nice to meet you." Sofia answered while taking place in the body of student. I diverted my eyes from her; she hadn't seen me yet. Hopefully when she did, she would go back as fast as she arrived.

I could already hear what Jasmine would say about this situation: "You two are made to be. This is a proof, blah, blah, blah."

To me, this situation proved nothing but the fact that I was unlucky as heck since college started. Someone must have cursed me over the summer.

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