6. First Day (Part 2)

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I STORMED OUT OF THE ROOM, over-dramatically tapping my heels on the floor in the mean of releasing my anger. Despite the jog from the morning, all those negative emotions could have had me running a marathon at that moment.

The idea of joining a drama club deeply ingrained into my mind, I started maneuvering through the students to get to the secretary office.There was still some time before my next class, I had calculated after throwing a quick glance at my neatly calligraphied schedule.

A familiar small figure with a big fro suddenly made its appearance in my field of vision. Now was not the time to remember the existence of Sofia Coleman. Not when I was consuming with anger.

As I tried to deviate my path to walk as far away from her as possible, a lanky guy walked backwards towards me, mindlessly talking to his friends. I took a step to the side but failed to avoid him.

His elbow met my chin at full force.

I gasped for air as the pain echoed through all the bones on my face. White dots started twinkling before my eyes and I forced myself to blink to stay conscious. I had fainted once and today was not the day I would again.

What if Sofia saw me? What if Professor Smith saw me? For some reason, I was sure he would be the kind of man thinking women were too weak to be in positions of power. Seeing me faint publicly would have him tell me again that I would fail this major.

These over-analyzing thoughts prevented me to realize I had started to waver on my feet. My vision was foggy, almost pitch back when I got back to reality.

Unaware of my own surroundings, I grabbed the thing nearest to me – an arm? – and held onto it for dear life. After what seemed like forever, my vision came back and I realized that the thing I had grabbed, was the hand of that gigantic boy who had talked back to Professor Smith.

He had the most contrite look on his face and the dots connected in my dizzy head. It was his elbow that had hit me.

"...so sorry." His voice came in chunks to my ears as the on the side of where my chin was hit seemed to buzz. "You okay?"

Beside his dark-framed glasses, his brown eyes seemed to scan my face for signs of well-being. I leaned on his forearm to get my posture back and managed to spit out an almost inaudible:

"I'm fine."

"Sure? Your chin is pretty red right now..."

I tried to shake my head as a negative answer but found out that this made me even more dizzy than talking. Why didn't this pain leave already? It was going to make me late!

"I have to go. Watch your elbow next time." I mumbled while finally letting go of his arm. Not even two steps further though, I felt my mind go foggy again.

"Hey! Careful!" His voice resonated in my well-working ear again as I felt two hands secure my shoulders. "Shouldn't you take a seat?"

"I'm fine." I repeated despite leaning against him. Why was I feeling so weak? It was just a shock... "I'm gonna be late..."

"Do you have somewhere to go? I can help you get there if you want but you shouldn't stay alone in your state." His face appeared before my eyes as he scrutinized my chin, frowning. "This is the least I can do. Your face is swelling really bad right now."

I instinctively raised a hand to my face but winced as soon as my fingers brushed the surface of my skin. I could believe his observations.

Even though my mind was getting clearer and clearer every passing minute, I accepted his offer. Despite my physical condition, I had places to go and if he wanted to redeem himself, I would have no shame in using him.

"Secretary office." I articulated.

He nodded, a severe face on, and started moving. One of his hands was holding my forearm and the other was securing my back. I felt like I was leaning all my weight on him but he didn't budge and slowly escorted me towards the secretary office.

As soon as we entered the office, he made me sit and offered to wait inline in place of me. Such kindness after Smith's infuriating behavior restored my faith in humanity. I rested my head on the wall behind me but winced as this single contact aroused the pain in my whole skull.

What a shitty day...

Getting up to the sound of Never Gonna Give You Up, being humiliated by a professor then getting hit. I had always been a lucky girl, this was quite a change for sure.

"Hey, it's your turn." My shoulder was shaken by a foreign hand and I realized I had my eyes closed. By my side, this lanky guy who was the reason of my current state and in front of me, an older woman with bright green hair.

"Are you okay, Miss?"

I straightened on my chair and slowly nodded. Of course I was okay, there was never a time when I wasn't. I had played in the female football team back in middle school, I had took hits worse than this one. But I was protected from head to toes when I did, this is what may have made the difference.

"I'm okay." Every word stung.

"Well, I don't believe you, Miss." The green-haired lady said. "I'm gonna call the campus nurse if you don't mind. Your chin is really swelled and really red, not something I can ignore as a secretary."

"I can't go to the nurse. I have a class in thirty minutes." I pulled a strand of hair back behind my ear as if it would help it go back to normal. Words still seemed to go through a haze before being registered by my ear.

"I'm not so sure you can make it, Miss. And please stay still, will you?" The lanky boy's hand landed on my shoulder again as I had tried to get up from my seat. "If you're so worried about your class, I'll find you the list of students who take it too so they can give you their notes. Okay?"

I nodded weakly.

"I had something to ask you." I muttered with the last sparks of energy left in me.

"What is it, Miss?"

"How do I take a drama class?"

For some reason, a chuckle escaped the green-haired secretary's lips.

"You want to take a drama class? Your act already seems on point though, pretending you're okay when you look like you're about to faint."

"If my act were on point, I'd have convinced you." I retorted with an attempt at a smile.

"Right." She grinned before patting my thigh. "Stay here, Miss. I'll get you a nurse... and the drama club leaflet."

A sigh of relief escaped my parted lips as I watched her walk back to her desk. As awful as I felt, as pitiful as I looked, I had still managed to get what I wanted.

Take that, Professor Smith!


A/N: Hi everyone, Laura here!

I hope you appreciated this chapter. Jane's first day at college is taking a pretty lame start, don't you agree? Have you ever been hit by accident and it turned out to be a serious injury? This is the dumbest kind of accident, I believe.

Anyway, I hope you all enjoy reading about Jane and make sure to stay tuned for the next update as it will be a really, REALLY important one!

As always, please don't forget to vote and/or comments your thoughts about this chapter, it always makes my day :)

Have a wonderful day/night wherever you are guys and I'll see you in the next chapter <3

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