13. Queen

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Demarcus was running backwards a few feet ahead of me, his arms wide open as he sung Queen. I had convinced him to come jog with me every morning and I had quickly realized that I didn't need no iPod anymore when he was here.

He never seemed to get breathless and for the forty minutes we ran, he sang non-stop.

"I've got to break free. God knows, God knows I want to break free!"

The sparse students we would meet on the way stared at him like he was crazy. And maybe I did too. But I quickly got used to it. He had a terrible voice, but at least it prevented me from thinking about things I didn't want to think about. Sofia and Professor Smith being at the top of the list.

"Sing with me, Jane!" He demanded after I caught up on him. "Oh how I want to break free!"

"I'm literally breathless." I panted. "I don't know how you do that."

"You just gotta get used to it. I used to get asthma every time I sang while running." He explained while pushing his glasses up with his index. "Now, I've got the stamina of Mick Jagger. Talking of which... If you start me up, If you start me up I'll never stop!"

I rolled my eyes and continued running by his side.

"It's a good thing Jasmine didn't wake up on time today or her crush on you would have disappeared." I laughed as he croaked the lyrics more than he sang them.

"Jasmine?" He frowned, stopping right in the middle of his brilliant interpretation. "Who's she?"

"You know, my friend who has a crush on you. She was at the party last Saturday." He shook his head, obviously unable to pinpoint who I was talking about. I wasn't surprised about it though, he had flat-out ignored her when she had went to introduce herself back then. Jasmine, though, hadn't stopped talking about him since then. "She literally looks like the Disney character."

His mouth formed a "o" while he slowly nodded. Weirdly enough, it seemed harder for him to talk while running than singing. He became redder by the minute and his breath shortened.

"I had totally forgot about that." He admitted while looking straight before him. "Actually on the spot, I believed it was you those girls were talking about. But well, you're gay so I totally forgot about it. But a girl has a crush on me, wow."

I was surprised to note that is voice didn't rest assured as it used to. Demarcus who didn't budge before an asshole of a teacher aka Smith, blushed when it came to talking about such a trivial thing as love.

"She really does. She even called dibs on you the first time she saw you." I didn't precise that she did so for the sole reason that he was the only representant of the male sex at this party.

"It seems crazy," He ruffled his sweaty black hair nervously. "that a girl I've never even talked to would have a crush on me."

I nodded. I found it hard to understand too.

"Confession time." He pursued while blushing even more. "I've never had a girlfriend before so this comes out as really... weird."

"Well, maybe you could come over this afternoon and talk to her." I offered with a smile. Demarcus was obviously not as confident about his love life as he was about anything else so I didn't linger on his confession.

To be honest, I was also quite surprised that he would tell me such a thing. After all, we hadn't known each other for that long. I always had to go through along process before considering people my friends while some other people just seemed to consider you their best friends after a few hours together.

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