Chapter Nine

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  (my computer keys keep jamming. @_@.... I'm practically falling to insanity from jammed keys.)
A murmur escaped from (Y/n) as she blinked slowly, letting the sleep overcome her again. Tick. Her eyes slowly went open. Wondering if it was just in her head, she groaned as she propped herself up on her elbows. Tick. She stretched as she glanced around. Darkness infiltrated the living room.
Through the windows were stretches of moonlight like a cliche movie scene. (Y/n) embraced the cliche-like scene and got up, looking outwards the windows. Beautiful night. Hardly any clouds and a full moon. Tick. Oh ya, the ticking, she thought irritated already.
She moved in the dark, leading herself towards the doorway. Flick! The room lit up as the bright yellowish-white light perked from the flick of a switch. She then waited. Tick. Okay, in the kitchen then! Flicking on the light source in the kitchen near the fridge, she scanned the area, soon realizing the ticking was coming from her broken alarm clock that sat perfectly still on the stove counter-top. The plastic alarm clock was usually for when she was cooking, but it had broke long ago for it would just tick really loud whenever it wanted to. She had thrown it outside near the fence of the neighbor's house, that being the cause of their rowdy dog that never knows how to stop its everlasting barking at simple things.
What was it doing in here? For the past month, it has been outside. Even earlier she hadn't seen it inside her home. Wondering about it, she looked in front of her. Her heart sank to her stomach. Her breath hitched, her blood cold, and fear clouded her eyes.
In the reflection of the smooth stove, something was there. Something there was behind her.
That something is holding a gun.
Reaching out fragility, but very, very gradually, she aimed to get the frying pan. Shaking, she feared the worst. Thinking now of how her strength could be nothing to what was behind her. She almost let out a sob. She didn't inch any further towards the pan, that thing had a hand on her shoulder. No. I- I can't move.... Who... Who the fuck does this fucker think he is? She darted for the pan, only for the backlash of a hand holding her shoulder being swung upside her jaw and bringing her down to the hard tiled floor. Despite how scared she was, she shared a glance up. A pair of red painted eyes joined contact. The gun in its gloved hand aimed for her. (Y/n) closed her eyes as soon as she noticed the gun. For five minutes, she was closing her eyes, shaking, praying, and trying to think of ways to destroy this sack called a Scary Asshole. Okay, now. Five minutes? What's this fuckery?
A groan escaped from her offender, then with one, unfortunate look as she opened her (e/c) eyes, met a black boot.

"That's going to leave some damage!" an officer exclaimed as she heard (Y/n)'s story, that was currently being told to two policemen. The officers took notes as she unfolded the story of what had happen the night before.
After being kicked in the head, she awoken to find herself on her couch, her head felt like bricks and pounded against her skull. When she got up, there was dry blood that stained her skin from her forehead to her neck. Freaking out as she was, she went to the bathroom, freaked out again about the amount of blood. Cleaned herself up, and called the police, and here she was now, having her wounded forehead cleaned by the female officer and telling them all at what had happen. As she spoke, some words trembled through her teeth, some didn't, some were confident as to say. However, telling them this: gave her a bad, achy feeling. Like she was never supposed to tell them. So, with this feeling, she held back as to what was happening her days before this incident.
It was an hour after the police left, (Y/n) was at home, laying on her couch, staring outward her wide living room window. No cars ever came by, the trees swayed in a entrancing way, and it seemed downright peaceful. How were things peaceful? I don't even think I want to stay in this house anymore. Who the hell was that? Was that the guy that was in here when I first arrived from my "picnic" out in the woods?

Another Infected Found (Tim/Masky X Reader X Alex Kralie)Where stories live. Discover now