Chapter Twenty-Two

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It was like a week of bitter cold and lonesome. Everything was so fragile. And if a single disturbance was attempted, it would shatter in a sea of broken, lost thoughts.
        What was it? What made this so fragile?
        (Y/n), her breathing was abnormally slow and calm as her heart pace was gradual. She felt so undisturbed. Felt at peace and harmony. However, (Y/n) knew there was no such believable thing. Therefore, above those great feelings, she felt paranoia linger aimlessly and the touch of horror and confusion. She was sick of the confusion.
        Her legs like jelly, she pushed herself upward from the cracked ground. Stone and chunks of cement created an edgy path beneath her. It was dark. Not dark as black. Just dark. In this dark was a illuminating sense of stale fear and harmony. As confusing it seemed, a mix of emotions stirred windless and free in (Y/n). Her eyes had finally adjusted in the darkness, that revealed a tint of light.
        She opened her mouth to say something, but no sound would come out. Attempting again, she tried to speak, again and again. Nothing. Nothing dared to make way through.
        (Y/n) seemingly yelped soundlessly as she flailed backwards and landed on something hard, though smooth. The rocky path was now the pale brown wooden planks as her kitchen's floor was.
        "Get out!" the voice hauntingly echoed in volume through the thin darkness. (Y/n), swallowing the fear and getting up again, tried to think straight. "You've caused so much trouble!"
        That voice was her brother's.
        (Y/n), called out her brother's name, hoping to see him.
        "Hey! Put that down!"
        "Where's (Y/n)?" A familiar tone rang throughout. There, she realized it was Alex's voice.
        "Put it down!"
        Alex asked again and her brother refused again. (Y/n) boggled at what she was hearing, but not seeing. "I'll ask you again," he stood by his word and asked again, making her brother more stubborn.
        No, no, no, (Y/n)'s head screamed as she felt the sensation of pure frustration lock on her. Don't be stubborn. I know you're trying to protect me. But-
        Her brother yelled a curse as (Y/n) heard the shatters of glass.
        "Damnit! Get out of my way!" Alex barked as then a single, suppressed shot rang throughout the darkness. "Where are you, (Y/n)?" Alex asked as (Y/n) swore she felt him glaring at her.
        Eyes pierced open as opened up and saw the sight of Tim lying on the ground across the room. What was going on? Did she witnessed-no, heard her brother die? Tears were rapidly falling from her damp eyes.
        "I'm going to...," she mumbled repeatedly, "I'm going to kill," she hiccupped, her throat feeling dry.
        "I'm going to kill... You Alex!" This time she yelled it and knew what she was going to do. She had a gun. She was already wanted. Alex might as well be to. (Y/n) knew very well that a missing report should be filed for him, her brother, but this was way beyond personal. It's borderline chaos that she was determined to end.
        If anything,- (Y/n) sat up and went to help Tim-, Alex was walking with a foreseen bullet in him.

Another Infected Found (Tim/Masky X Reader X Alex Kralie)Where stories live. Discover now