The bench was cold, the air was cold, she was cold. Why must everything be so cold!? (Y/n) groaned as she awaited Tim's arrival. She was so desperate for answers. Half of her wanted more answers, however half of her knew what was going on. She wished she didn't know. She scrambled through the options of her phone. Well, emergency phone. It was a simple flip phone, not much besides mind sweeper and messing with the invert colors option.
It was simple, it was back. That thing she used to see all the time. There was no doubt, but she still wanted to know. Know answers she probably already knew. Yet, she couldn't accept this. Refused to believe this! But she knew. She knew very well.
As she waited, an odd, eerie aura packed itself with the park. She felt many bad memories dart towards her from this damned place. Why was she even here?
"What is taking him so long?" she groaned annoyed. She tapped the ground, but immediately felt a chill that wavered from her toes to head. Instantly, she looked at the woods outskirts. Anger built up in a knot, "Fuck you! Tired of your bullshit!" she yelled out towards the woods. Unaware of a couple walking past her that made more space between them and walked faster. (Y/n) rolled her eyes and felt like breaking down.
But she wouldn't. She wouldn't have a breakdown. She's strong. She believed she was strong.
A car pulled up on the curb, near the bench she was sitting on. "Finally," she breathed out, darting her eyes towards Tim who was just getting out of the vehicle. He waved shortly and did a half-smile with a cigarette at his fingers, however, his eyes were full of concern.
He walked over to the bench, where she eyed him down with eyes as darts, daring to pierce his skull. "Umm... So, what's up?"
Small talk, eh? "Tim, you are going to be honest and straight with me: tell me what's going on," her words dripped in seriousness.
"About what?"
She smiled and laughed, Tim scooted away a bit confused at her action, "You know, Tim. What the fuck is going on!" She laughed slightly, but her words still sounded stern. (Y/n) reached around her bag, pulled out a metal object. The camera. His face faltered.
"Some prick in a mask took me back to the same place in the woods! I'm hearing static! Seeing shit! I'm paranoid! And you and Alex have something to do with this! It's happening all over again!" She was basically yelling.
"Calm down, (Y-," She laughed again.
"Don't tell me to calm down!" Laughed and yelled. What an odd mix. "Marble Hornets. That project you told me about, Alex is in it, Is he not?" he nodded, "I found a footage of that- in this. I found something else in it," she exhaled and ruffled her hair with one hand, smiling oddly. "It was odd, it was terrifying personally, don't know how I lived through it: the car crash I was in. That guy in that black mask took me out of it. As if he was saving me or something. No sound, just static."
Tim nodded thoughtfully, taking in the information. "Okay, but-!"
"A guy in the white mask," Tim's heart dropped and his breathing pitched, (Y/n) took noticed. "He carried me to that damned woods? For what? He was in my home! So was that other guy! That guy was in there a few times!" She turned on the camera. It blinked to life and she scrambled through the footage that was the one with her car crash. She zoomed through the footage. She found it, and let it play where she was picked from the crash and soon handed over to the guy in the white mask. The footage was still disoriented, but there was a dim street lamp lighting them up a bit. Tim watched carefully and focused.
Something hit her like a brick, she looked at the masked guy, back at Tim whose eyes were on the small screen. Back at Tim. Back at the camera.
"Tim?" She queered. He looked at her, slightly avoiding eye contact. "You. Two. Are. Wearing. The. Same. Jacket," she said in a breath between each word to emphasize her words. "You're trying to avoid eye contact also."
A small familiar song played in his car suddenly. Her ringtone for her other phone.
(Gotta get ready for school. So hope ya enjoyed!)

Another Infected Found (Tim/Masky X Reader X Alex Kralie)
Fanfiction(TBH, it mainly focuses on Tim rather than Alex...) (Y/n), a 22-year-old girl, lives near Rosswood Park. After an incident occurred, she was found... After learning about a film project called "Marble Hornets", she noticed what was happeni...