Chapter Twenty-Five

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"I've been waiting an hour for nothing," (Y/n) mumbled as she stared aimlessly at the front view of the park from the safety of her car. Well, brother's car.  "What is he up to?" she questioned to herself as if she was going to get an answer.
        It was now around 1:30 AM and (Y/n) was frustrated. "You know what? I'll just look around. Tired of nonsense," she mumbled. Quickly, she grabbed her coat, a flashlight, and her phone. Soon she was out and looking about with the flashlight shining. As she walked across the park, a stale, bitter cold was in the air and everything seemed undisturbed.
        Interested, she started walking along the outskirts of the woods surrounding Rosswood. Her breath showed in the air in front of her. Smiling, she thought of being a kid again. Having snow was magical, there be forts and snowballs and everyone was happy. It made her happy to think of it. In her mind, she thought of a couple running through the cold dark and laughing and they would be so happy.
        But she was by herself, in a messed up situation. Ruining her own parade, she took on a neutral look and kept looking around and began to walk into the woods. Weary of the distant static she always seemed to hear. (Y/n) started to become in a trans and kept walking further into the mixed woods. Skipping over sticks and stones and swinging off trees. The ground becoming more icy and deeper as the trees were more constant and together.
        "Dang!" she exclaimed as she noticed the snow was almost to her knees. It was smart to just stop there and go back home, seeing as the text was just bait to get her here, however this was not the case. (Y/n) just kept on going.
        "Ahh!" She shrieked as she felt something push her forwards from her back, thus losing her balance. She screamed feeling that she was falling down something, straight down. Her flashlight was out of grasp and somewhere else. Her screaming stopped as she felt a spike of pain go through her leg and back. (Y/n) closed her eyes and bit her lip, trying to endure the horrific pain that was striking her body.
        "Ahh," she exhaled painfully. Using her arms that didn't hurt, unlike everywhere else, she tried to know what she was on. She got a little aware of her surroundings: she knew she was on the ground, she was also in deep snow and she was freezing. The snow was getting into her clothes and melting. "Help!" she shrieked, helpless of the pain.
        (Y/n) attempted to move her leg to the side, instantly regretting it. She moved the other and it didn't hurt as much. She thought, okay, my left leg works. Okay. Her arms worked with little pain, but she wouldn't dare to move her right leg. In an instant, she went to grasp for her phone that was in her pocket. "No, no, no, no, no!" She yelled repeatedly.
        It was soaked with water from the snow. It wasn't turning on. "No!" She yelled a curse and started spewing out a chain of curses. She felt the cold seeping into her. (Y/n) flipped her hood over her head so she wasn't lying her head in the dirt and snow. It was dark, she was scared, and she did the normal thing to do. Scream. She did. She screamed her lungs out practically. Tears were falling and freezing on her cheeks. (Y/n) was not one to cry, but oh how she was scared. She felt helpless. She wanted to crawl up in a ball and die.         
        "Please!" her voice faltered as she chocked on a sob. However, she stopped as she heard a faint:
(You can hate me, IDC. Hope ya enjoyed! I had this idea for awhile and decided to do it before I make anymore changes to the plotline!)

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