Chapter Nineteen

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A fall.

        Tears stained her cheeks however it was hard to prevail of sucking it up and going strong. Anger settled restlessly on her shoulders. Sadness crept on her mind. Confusion wavered everything. Yet, determination blinded all.

        (Y/n) chucked the knife block onto the hard floor tiles along with other kitchen utensils. Staring at the knives she frowned. Picked one up, glided her shaky finger over the blade, wasn't dull, wasn't sharp. Didn't satisfy her taste.

        Hands in a quick motion, (Y/n) threw the knife across the room and to the living room. She imagined anger laughing at her and controlling her actions. "Breathe, (Y/n)," she whispered to herself as she rubbed her forehead and temples.

        "Hey, if you need any range practice, I'd be welcome to help out a lovely lady," the cashier chuckled as he unlocked the glass and wooden showcases.

        "I should, but I won't," she replied as she tapped against the glass counter. "I know some things about guns. My... Father, he used to hunt with an old friend. My bro- eh nevermind," she silenced herself.

        "Alright, just pick a packet of those papers for registration and after a background check you're free to protect yourself with this beauty!" He smiled as he tilted his hat down.

        "Thank you," she mumbled and started signing.

        "So, you were an insane child?"


        "It's what I see here, just asking."

        She perked up at him, "Wait, what happened in my childhood is on there?"

        He nodded, "If you don't mind me intruding, what does that mean by severe mental illness?"

        "Actually, I do mind, please don't ask," she mumbled and he shrugged and went back to the computer. "Here," she handed him the finished packet.

        "Usually with customers with mental issues we have to let them do more in order for a gun. But I really don't care, I believe we should have something to protect themselves with. Now if your going to go mental on somebody, I wouldn't suggest it."

        Still frowning, (Y/n) walk, unusually she had her hood up on a dark colored hoodie. "He's not dead, why can't I just see that?" She mumbled to herself. "It's impossible. He's my brother and he's the one who promised to keep me safe."

        "He couldn't break a promise.".

        She walked solemnly and so gradually, she didn't care if it was going to be night so soon. She was going to find him. The last of her friends. The last of her family.

        Tucking her (h/c) strands of hair back in the oversized hoodie, she ceased her pace when the sky was a dimming vast of orange, yellow, blue and pink. Painted a scene that could only be magic by firsthand. No picture could describe. The sky was throwing darkness among these various spectacular colors. She held the gun in the hoodie's front pocket. Hiding it from the outside, holding it by her fragile hand.

        Biting her lip, she yelled, "I will find you!" It was weak. And even though she thought she was searching for her brother, she didn't feel like she was searching at all. She felt like she was searching for death than anything else. Despite her thinking and effort of where she should go, she knew and heard very well behind her, the static. The distant static that either grew or ceased. It was to be a paranoia rollercoaster. A ride she was going on. One she'd regret, but at least she felt obligated that she should do something. "I will make sure," she huffed under her breath," That I will find him. I will do something!" Now, she felt like breaking, but as I said, determination is a thing that can blind us all.

        It was dark, misty and rain was visibly heading. Legs and her lungs were exhausted as the expressionless (Y/n) shuffled through the dead leaves and icy snow. Her coat felt like tons and her boots felt like they were strapped with chains around her legs.

        "Well, you look beat," A voice said behind her. (Y/n) jerked her head backwards, feeling a sting of pain at the back of her neck now. Her chest heaved as she stared in disbelief. No one was there.

        Confused and scared, (Y/n) turned back around and started walking a lot faster. Maybe the cold was getting to her? "Yeah, probably that," (Y/n) whispered to herself.

        "Don't ignore me," the voice was behind her again. It was a voice of something uncertain. The voice wasn't at all disfigured and it was as clear as someone with a healthy respiratory system. However, she couldn't figure out what gender it sounded like. It was a mix.

        (Y/n), without any hesitation, whipped out the gun and pointed It at the plain darkness around her. "Go away!" She yelled angrily and scared. "Get the hell away from me!" this time she was more serious. A minute passed since she was aiming the gun in the darkness. Her arm shook from exhaustion. Once she let her arm back down, she stared in the dark abyss of night. "I need to get home," she sighed, her warm breath could be seen in the dark midst of the night.

        Her brother's car keys were missing, but his car was there, so she would still have to walk it. Walking home in the dark was risky, add freezing temperatures, you got freezing to death on your side. Wonderful! 

        Her phone dinged and she immediately went to check it. 

        A YouTube notification. Recommended: Entry #5. Looking around and seeing nobody, she curiously clicked on it. It started with words on a black screen. Then it mentioned Alex, instantly interested. Who was "saying" this, for it was first-person. Then it went to a camera stream. Showing Alex and somebody else talking. From there she listened closely, learning the one behind the camera was named Jay. Marble Hornets, that movie that Tim told her about that was thrown away after Alex separated from Tim and the rest of the cast.  (I'm sure that's what happened- truly haven't seen Marble Hornets in awhile.) Well, Alex and Jay were talking about how he wanted to plan it out. At the end of it, Jay, who she supposed published the video, told of odd occurrences happening in the tapes.

        She scrolled through the list of videos that were recommended on this video. All different entries. "So, this is Marble Hornets? I guess?" she asked herself. Feeling her fingers becoming numb, she quickly put her phone and away and stuck her hands in her coat, walking swiftly home.

        "Just like the camera I found," she then realized, "It had the same type of problems: camera delay, footage and audio cutting off. It also had something of Marble Hornets on it to."

        She tighten the hood of the coat on her head even more and felt the cold torture her. (Y/n) thought for a moment, why was this even recommended?

(Bored af. Hope ya enjoyed!)

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