Chapter Twenty

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        Clip after clip, all the published entries were at (Y/n) grasp. She took the night when she got home to pass out on the couch for two hours, woke up and intended to watch each one currently. Almost fifty videos. They were experiencing what she went through as a child, but this time, they were in more need than to be classified as some child's imagination.

        How had she not find this earlier?

        Still, mourning and wondering of her brother. Alive or dead? She was tired on not knowing, being confused, and being weak. Tossing the handgun in her hoodie, with a coat overlapping it, she walked outside. Sat on the steps and waited. Her eyes closed many times when the sun's reflection off ice and snow would glare. At least it wasn't too cold. Soon, the cold would fade to warmth, then to heat. Then she'd be wishing it was winter again.

        (Y/n) buried her face in her hands, she felt like she was waiting. Waiting for something to happen. Waiting for her brother to come home. Waiting for everything to fade into an abyss. Waiting for Tim and Alex to get out of her life. Waiting for it to leave her alone! Waiting for the damn static to dissipate! 

        She knew nothing would happen if she waited. Nothing would stop. Frowning, she was going to get rid of them. Rid of them all. Hastily, she scavenged her pockets for the gun, finally picking it out, she grimaced at it. A tight knot weld in her chest as did another in her head. 

        Eyeing every detail, (Y/n) went back to her emotionless state. "I'll get rid of it. It'll stop after this."

        "Shoot..." (Y/n) had not said it, but she heard it. She heard that voice in the back of her head.

        "What are you doing!?" A cry sounded from an alley, "Please, I beg of you! Want money- no? Want- Okay, nothing? Is there anything, please! I have shit to live for!"

        "Guess what! I don't care!" Another voice yelled anxiously.

        "Is this about the rip-off drug!?" the same cry. "No!? Tell me! Why are you doing this!?"

        "Shut the fuck up!"

        "You are a mental fucker! Put the damn thing down, I'll give you every-" the cry was cut short buy a ping.

        "What the hell?" Tim got in his car, set down the food, and tried to pinpoint what he had heard the two yelling in one of the narrow alleyways in the center of town. Tim was at a fast-food restaurant, and as he was taking his order out to his car. There he and few others heard yelling nearby. It was hard to make out, but something were heard and the people who heard were worried and calling the police. Tim, he didn't call, but he was sure that the other witnesses were busying the nearby police station.

        As he drove, he noticed a figure running down the sidewalk, running alongside the buildings, almost fully clothed in black like the night as there was no moonlight. The figure wore a coat and was running rapidly fast. Curious, Tim stopped and rolled down the window, "Hey! You know anything about what's going on?" He yelled at the figure, who slowly stopped, looked at him. All they had on to cover there face was a large hood that did the job. They didn't answer and started to run again.

        However, before Tim could realize it, he heard a ping and there went a tire. Then another ping. Another tire. "Hey!" He barked angrily. Yet, the figure was nowhere in sight. Frustrated, Tim checked on the back flattened wheels of his car. Good that the road was always almost empty. He had no spares so he had to make calls.

(still bored and BTW, I will be updating more often! I got it figured out! Also- please tell me any mistakes I've made and didn't notice. Hope ya'll enjoyed!)

Another Infected Found (Tim/Masky X Reader X Alex Kralie)Where stories live. Discover now