Chapter 5

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I was on the couch with my head in Phil's lap watching Twilight with Jay, Emmi, Nikko, Calli, and Sadie. The girls had out voted the guys. Ha. But Sadie had to leave early because of a family dinner or something.

"So are you happy with your dress?" Emmi asks.

"Are you kidding? I love it," I sigh.

"You know there are gonna be guys trying to drag you away from Chace all night," Phil laughs.

"Mm I'm fine with that. It's not like I'm planning on spending the rest of my life with him," I shrug.

Phil starts playing with my hair and I shove his hand away as Nikko laughs.

"You know I'm kinda surprised the two of you have never actually dated," Nikko says.

"Ew he's like my brother. But I am surprised that Emmi and Jay have never hooked up."

Emmi gags and laughs along with Jay as I say, "Hey! We can all work this out. Phil and me. Jay and Emmi, and you and Calli!"

Phil and I start laughing uncontrolably as Calli glares at me. Nikko even laughs a little. I mean what the heck is my sisters problem. She gets up and stomps off as I go, "Oh come on Calli it's a joke."

But maybe it isn't.

I sit up suddenly, "Oh my god. I remember why she hates me."

Jay stops laughing immediatley and says, "What? Cassi are you serious? How much do you remember."

"I don't know. I only remember it was after Nikko left. She wouldn't talk to me."

Images flash through my mind. Calli yelling as I cry. But why was I crying? Her hitting me and yelling about how I betrayed her. I was only fourteen. How did I betray her? What did I do to my twin sister? How did I break her heart and why didn't I fight her back? Did I really betray her?

"Cassi? Are you okay?"

I shake my head coming out of my daze to see Nikko kneeling in front of me and Phil holding me up.

"Uh yeah. I have to go talk to her. I need to ask her something."

"Cassi you can't. She can't answer you. No more than I can," Nikko sighs.

"Why can't you guys just make my dad tell me? It's all going to come back the moment I find my Mate. Everything will flash through my mind. It's just going to hurt me worse."

Jay and Emmi just look sad until Phil speaks, "Cassi you're not emotionally ready for it. We know about all those guys. It's just you trying to numb yourself. You need to remember on your own. It's there. It'll come back."

"Not emotionally strong enough? It's just going to be worse if no one helps me through it!" I growl.

I notice my hands shaking and get up running towards the back of the house. I needed to change. I needed to run.


"Emmi go get clothes for her. Who wants to go after her?" Jay says.

I immediately volunteer, "I will."

"Nikko I don't know, this is going to be hard for her."

"No man Nikko should go. He was there before everything happened. He knows the real Cassi best," Phil sighs.

I'm out the door immediately kicking off my shoes where Cassi had kicked off hers. As soon as I'm off the porch I shift and run towards the woods following her scent.

The Lost Wolf: The Missing Piece #1 *Watty Awards 2012*Where stories live. Discover now