Chapter 30

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Double Chapter Upload!!!! Please read part one Chapter 29 before this!!!!

As soon as lock the door to the study I slip out the sliding back door and I'm running.

I run for my life.

I run for my families life.

I run for my pack.

I run from the insane wolf inside my pack house.

I'm running through the woods trying to fight the urge to shift. My wolf wanted to shift. My wolf knew that was the safest bet, but I knew that if I showed up in wolf form I'd never escape from Sam. In wolf form Sam was his fastest, in human form I beat him by a land slide.

I could remember that from the morning of the attack.

I had run and was getting away but as soon as he shifted into a wolf it was a lost cause.

The loose twigs and leaves crunch beneath my converse as I run. The cool crisp air cools my cheeks and keeps the heat of running from taking over. I had never been more thankful for a flannel, tennis shoes, and a braid than at that moment.

The moment the house, my home, comes into view. The moment I see my mom and dad. The moment I lay my eyes on Calli, Jay, Emmi, Sadie, Chace, Chad, Phil, and finally Nikko. The exact same moment I hear the feet running far to close behind me.

I grab a branch quickly and chuck it at Sam as I run out of the woods.

As soon as it hits him he growls loudly causing everyone to look our way.

Nikko's eyes widen as I feel the claws dig into my back and bring me down, "You bitch," Sam sneers.

I shift.


Seeing Cassi run through those trees would have been the biggest miracle of time if it hadn't been for the vicious growl I heard three seconds later.

I turn to Chad, "Get them in the house. Now."

He easily picks up Sadie and yells at Calli and Emmi, and Mrs. Stone as I take off running to shift mid air.

As soon as I shift I feel my paws hit the ground and smash the crunchy leaves from fall.

I drag Sam off of the now shifted Cassi.

I should have killed you the first time you bastard. I sneer.

His teeth sink into my arm as I lean over him and I cry out from the pain.

I had not been expecting Sam or Cassi tonight.


I glance over at her to see her crumpled form on the ground with a bleeding back. It gives him just enough time to pin me down.

You should know to pay attention by now pup. You've never payed attention, that's your problem!

He rakes his claws into my stomach as someone drags him off.

Phil and Jay pin him down, What are you talking about Sam? I growl as I stand.

He let's out a wolfy chuckle, Let me tell you a story. Once upon a time your Alpha here had a big fight with my parents back when you guys were twelve years old. My parents were Alpha then. They wanted to make a deal and make it so that I Mated Cassandra since she showed the most promise as a leader. So after they said no my parents starting talking to your parents. They threatened Cassandra's life. Your mother couldn't stand the thought of seeing you go through that kind of pain. So they offered to take over the pack. That way one day Cassandra could marry you and our packs would be intermingled with strong blood.

The Lost Wolf: The Missing Piece #1 *Watty Awards 2012*Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ