Chapter 19

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I wake up to gentle kisses from Cassi on my neck. I pull her on top of me before opening my eyes, "Good morning."

She smiles and kisses me on the lips, "Good morning."

"Can I get woken up like this every day?"

She smiles then frowns, "I hope so."

My phone goes off and I read a text from Calli, Good morning. I sure hope you didn't break any rules last night.

I sigh and text back, Nope but I hear you did.

Cassi snatches up my phone when I set it down, "I could tell from your face it was her."

I frown, "What do you mean?"

She bites her lip, "You get a look. A wolf look. Like your wolf is happy about it."

"Cassi I-"

She cuts me off, "I don't want to hear you deny it. Let me tell you something, even though being with Phil felt wrong in my heart it felt right in my head. My wolf was happy about it. With you it's the other way around."

That stings, but I know she's right.

"It was that way for me too," I sigh, "What do you think it means?"

She frowns, "I don't know. Maybe it's suppose to be that way because of the whole moon thing but I believe that when we think about it, we know what feels right and what is suppose to be right. The Moon Goddesses gave us this problem for a reason."

"I hope they gave us the right Mates," I sigh.


I hoped that too.

"I know me too. But I don't think anything about this is necessarily right. It's like a big puzzle."

My phone goes off and I find a text from Calli, Morning sister dearest. So what if I told you that I broke a rule last night?

I smirk and text back, What if I told you I broke one too?

Nikko looks at the message and smirks before gently kissing my shoulder, "Now she's going to tell you exactly what she did."

I nod, "Yep. She played right into it."

My phone goes off again and I look at it, I only slept next to Chad last night. What the hell did you and Nikko do?!

I write back, I slept in my bed ALONE. But nice job on breaking the rules. Wait until Phil and Nikko find out. Uhoh for Calli.

Nikko laughs and kisses me after reading the message, "I have to say I'm not surprised by her actions."

"Mmm me neither."

"Oh crap I told you I'd call Phil and Chad last night and I didn't. How about you get ready for today and I'll Skype them okay?"

"That sounds good," I glance over at the sleeping Emmi and suddenly remember, "Oh my Goddess. I never got Emmi a birthday present! What am I going to do?!"

He smiles, "Taken care of. Our date is tonight and we can pick up a present for her then."

I kiss him, "You're the best."

He rolls us over and kisses down my neck and across my chest, "You're the best. The very best. Now go get dressed before I take you to my room and break the very important rule."


The Skype call has Phil and Chad angry.

"What did you say to her to make her not want another date?" Phil growls.

The Lost Wolf: The Missing Piece #1 *Watty Awards 2012*Where stories live. Discover now