Chapter 25

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I wake up to someone knocking on my bedroom door. When I open it up Emmi is standing there with a cup of coffee.

"Good morning."

I sigh, "Good morning."

She smiles and hands me the cup, "I think we need some girl time before today's festivities. You wanna shower and then we can get breakfast together?"

I nod, "That sounds good."

She smiles and turns around, "You should wish Nikko a happy birthday before Sadie takes your phones away."

Once I'm showered and dressed in jeans and a t-shirt I text Nikko.

Happy Birthday :)

He immediately texts back, Thank you. So what do they have you doing today?

Girl time with Emmi. Then the spa with Calli, Sadie, and Emmi. They're taking my phone after I leave my bedroom.

:( damn. I guess we'll talk tonight then. The guys are dragging me outside for football.

Kk. :(


I was drinking my third cup of coffee and picking at my cheese and tomato omelet. Emmi sighs.

"What's wrong?"

I shake my head, "Nothing."

She sighs deeply and stares at me, "Cassi you're my best friend. I know you. Just talk to me."

I bite my lip, "I just wish I could spend my day curled up in bed. I don't want all of this. A year ago knowing my big seventeenth was coming up was exciting, even if I didn't really want a Mate. Now it's just terrifying."

She nods, "I know Cassi but in the end you'll be with someone who loves you. Just try to remember that. Even if it isn't necessarily what you want now it will be in the end."

I gulp, "You're right," I smile, "I'll try to have a good time today. But I'm not promising anything."

She smiles, "You will have a good time. Now let's go meet them at the spa."

We get massages, facials, and mani-pedi's. When we exit the spa I'm actually feeling relaxed for once. Calli wraps an arm around me, "You feeling okay?"

I nod, "Yeah. Really good right now. I actually feel relaxed for once."

She smiles, "Good. You need it. We all did."

Emmi's mom ends up making us a big pot of mac and cheese for lunch. 

I'm picking at my food again and Emmi notices, "Cassi you need to eat."

I sigh, "I know. I'm sorry. It's my nerves."

The three of them share a look and my mom shares one with Emmi's mom.

"What?" I sigh.

My mom frowns, "We're just worried. Maybe spending a day away from the three of them wasn't the right choice."

I shake my head, "No. It was the right choice. I just want tonight to be over with."

Emmi smirks, "No you want to see Nikko."

I shake my head more, "NO."

Calli widens her eyes in surprise, "Did you guys fight or something last night?"

I shake my head, "No. I just don't want to see any of them."

She bites her lip and nods, "I understand. I'm nervous too."

The Lost Wolf: The Missing Piece #1 *Watty Awards 2012*Where stories live. Discover now