Chapter 32

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I feel as if I must warn you. This chapter has a sex scene, if you feel like you shouldn't read such things then do not read the chapter from the line of *** to the next line of ***  :) for the rest of you: enjoy!!

I had slipped on jeans, a long sleeve grey shirt, my purple and grey plaid shirt, and my black suede boots for the bonfire.

When I walk into the kitchen Nikko wraps his arms around me, "You look beautiful," he murmurs in my ear.

I bite my lip and smile at him, "You look edible."

He raises an eyebrow at me and runs his hands up the back of my shirt, "I have a surprise for you later."

I nip his ear, "And what would that be?"

He pulls back and brushes his nose against mine, "Well what became mine when I turned seventeen?"

I frown to think for a moment, "Oh! The house!"

He nods, "I kept my mom and dads room as it is, I couldn't change it. But I kind of set up the house when I was suppose to be sleeping."

I smile, "You were really sure I was coming back huh?"

He nods, "Yes. I couldn't even think of a world without you in it baby. I knew I was getting you back one way or another."

I lean back and take in his naturally messy hair, his blue eyes, and his grey and black plaid shirt, "I don't think I could have stayed away much longer."

He smiles and kisses me gently, "Good, because I would have gone crazy. I love you Cassi."

"I love you too."

I spend the afternoon getting hugged by people from the pack and by kids from school happy to see me home, Nikko is at my side the entire time.

When it finally comes time to eat he pulls me into his lap, "I need you as close as possible," he mutters against my neck.

I kiss his temple and hug him close, "I need you too."

His lips brush against my ear before he nuzzles my neck.

"Well don't you two look comfy," Sadie remarks dryly as she sits down across from us with Chace.

I stick my tongue out at her and she says, "You know if you think about it, we basically just switched boyfriends."

I nod, "That's true, if we forget all the inbetween crap."

Nikko nips my neck, "I have to say I enjoyed some of that inbetween crap. Like after I bonded you to me."

I wiggle back into his lap and he grips my waist as I say, "I enjoyed that part."

"Or dancing at the club. I enjoyed that a lot. I was able to get nice and close to you."

"Mm you might have to jog my memory, that part is a little fuzzy," I tease.

He grins mischeviously and nips my jaw, "Gladly. But what about the night before our party. I know for a fact that was the best night with you."

I turn my head and murmur against his lips, "You'll have to remind me why it was the best later."

Sadie shakes her head at us, "You two are going to end up Mating during school next week if you try to wait for Christmas."

His lips move across my neck as I say, "I can handle a little self control. Plus we haven't decided yet."

Nikko groans, "Jay already yelled at me that if I don't Mate you I have to wait until Christmas break. Otherwise he'll beat me up."

The Lost Wolf: The Missing Piece #1 *Watty Awards 2012*Where stories live. Discover now