Chapter 13

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I had read it while Emmi was getting ready. I had read it and I had wished I hadn't. I had chose to forget it, but I couldn't. I just snapped.

October 3rd

I'm meeting Nikko today. Today is the day, I'm going to tell him how I really feel. I don't care if Calli knows I've been seeing him. I just don't care anymore. Phil has always liked her and she had been paying attention to him until she found my diary. I'll always hide it here in his old bedroom. I just want to be able to kiss him again. Yesterday was amazing. I'm heading out now. I'll be sure to tell you everything.

I walk down the sidewalk on the way back to the hotel and I hear them rushing out after me. I didn't care. I didn't want any of them after me. Not Emmi, Sadie, or Chace. Definitely not Calli or Jay and absolutely no Chad, Phil, or Nikko. Especially no Nikko.

I catch my heel in the crack on the sidewalk and almost fall until I'm caught by Chad.

"I don't want you coming after me. Just go."

He sighs, "Cassi you're drunk."

I growl and keep walking until I reach the front of the hotel. He grips my arm, "Come on Cassi just talk to me."

Behind him I see them all walking towards us.

I look up at him, "You've known this whole time. You knew it was him. Calli devoted you to her that day. She knew who I was meeting."

He looks down at me shocked, "Cassi, I couldn't tell you."

I smack him in the chest, "You could have found a way. Instead you let her ruin my life!"

Calli walks up and says, "What is going on with you?"

I growl, "What's going on, is you. It's always you. You use to be all over Phil when we were younger. Then you found out I was meeting Nikko at the creek. You followed me and found Sam in the woods. He wasn't suppose to do what he did right? He was suppose to distract me, but he got nervous and you ran off as me. You got there before Nikko right? You left a note that I'd be at the party later."

A tear rolls down her face.

"And then you heard my screams on your way back. You saw everything flash through my mind and then you ran across Chad when you tried coming for me. Then you disappeared for six hours and went to the party and found Nikko smashed because he had heard what happened. That's when you got him in bed right? You're the girl he doesn't remember. But then again, why would he want to?"

"You didn't mean to hurt me, but you did. You hurt me. You hurt yourself. You hurt Chad, and his family. You hurt his friends. You hurt our friends. You hurt Phil. You hurt mom and dad. You hurt Nikko and you even hurt Sam."

"I didn't mean to hurt anyone Cassi."

Nikko backs up from her and shakes his head looking at her, "I can't believe you. I can't, oh god."

I watch him pace back and forth his wolf still in control, I finally realize how to break it.

I look at Calli, "You just wanted Nikko. You just wanted what I had. The same thing now. Phil payed attention to me, so you had to pay him some attention and sleep with him. Just like with Nikko. I can't believe you're my sister."

Nikko turns around and growls at me, "Don't talk to her like that."

I turn on him and poke at his chest, "Oh I'll talk to her however I want. She's my sister. But you're just as bad," I shove him in the chest, "You've used Persuasion on me!"

He reaches over and grabs my chin, "I never used Persuasion on you. Ever. I've used it on other girls, but not you. Not on Sadie, not on Calli, and certainly not on you. I couldn't do that to you Andi."

The Lost Wolf: The Missing Piece #1 *Watty Awards 2012*Where stories live. Discover now