Part 8

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"Great session everyone. Meeting adjourned."

On their way out, all of the other princes and kings gave their goodbyes to Prince Gumball, as well as their thanks for his hospitality.

He was about to go to his room, but was instead stopped by LSP. "So, I'm going to a party later. There's gonna be tons of boys there. You should join."

"Sorry LSP, I would, but I'm busy later. I'm going to Fionna and Cakes house."

"Glob, a party is so much better than that!"

"Yeah, but it's kind of important."

"What's so important?"

"'s a secret."

"Boy, you know that I need to know all the drama!"

Gumball sighed. "Fine." He grabbed LSP and brought him up to his room. He shut the door behind him and brought his voice to a whisper.

"Me and Marshall are back together and--"


"SHHH! LSP, it's a secret!"

LSP calmed down. "Oh. Right, right, okay."

"Like I was saying, we're back together and we're not supposed to be. So me and him are gonna go to Fionna and Cake's house and we're all gonna come up with a plan to convince the Bubblegum Guardians that we're capable of being together without corrupting the kingdom."

"Wow. I wanna help."

"Uh...I don't know.."

"Why not? I think I could help a lot!"

"Um...okay I guess that's fine."

"Yes! Now come on, to Fionna and Cakes house! We're gonna save your relationship!"


Marshall was already there, he decided to go while it was still dark out and just wait for Gumball's arrival.

But he expected for Gumball to arrive unaccompanied.

"Heeeeyyyyy Marshallll!"

"Hey LSP.."

"I'm gonna help!"

"I assumed so.."

"Oh my glob guys, this is gonna be so much fun!" LSP said as he floated upstairs.

Marshall shook his head and gave Gumball a long kiss. Gumball smiled.

"Hey Gummie."

"Hey Lee. I hope you don't mind, he was bothering me to help."

"Nah, it's chill. Besides, Fi already has Flame Prince over, so it wouldn't have been just us four anyway, plus BMA. Why not have extra people?"

"That's kind of awkward.."

"What is?"

"Flame Prince being here. I was her old crush, and that's her new boyfriend."

Marshall laughed. "It's only awkward if you make it awkward. Just ignore it and be friendly."

"You're right," he held both of his boyfriend's hands and gave him a kiss.

Marshall smiled. "What was that for?"

"I just love you, dummy."

"Good enough reason for me. C'mon, let's go."


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